I Don't Want To Regret This Decision...

Valdosta, Georgia
July 9, 2011 9:51am CST
I had another discussion that we are going to be moving soon. I know we need to go where there is more work for my husband. The problem is my grandma. I am so incredibly close with my grandma and she is getting up there in age and has some health issues. I am so scared that if I leave something will happen to her and I will regret my decision to move. I just don't want to have any regrets. At the same time I know we need to do what's best for us... =( I don't know what to do. Has anyone ever had something holding them back from an important decision like this? What did you do? Should I still move?
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11 responses
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
9 Jul 11
I think this is one of the most difficult decisions anyone can make. Does your grandma still have her mental facalties more or less intact? I ask that because you might want to ask your grandma what she thinks. Many times our elders have the solutions to their problems right under our noses and we don't realize it. If not, and if there is no one else to care for her, perhaps there are other decisions that need to be made. In my opinion, while it might be distasteful, we need to situate ourselves before we can really help others. Who knows, might even be able to bring her with you if things go well. But as a grandfather myself, i really would not want my children and grandchildren to put their lives on hold or to miss important opportunities for my sake. Perhaps she feels the same way.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Jul 11
Thanks for your response! My grandma is very mentally intact (sometimes too much, lol). Just kidding. But, I know that she understands but she really doesn't want me to be too far away either. . Right now she lives with my parents and I know she doesn't want to be away from my mom. I am so close with her and I would live with guilt my entire life if I move and something terrible happens. If I live in guilt though she said she will come back and haunt me forever! LOL. She is just a great woman and I don't want to miss one moment with her. This is a tough one I know.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
9 Jul 11
Your granny sounds like a wonderful grandma. If she is with your parents then she is receiving good care. Ask yourself, "What will I be able to do to stop something terrible from happening?" I think if you keep in contact with her and visit her whenever possible, you'll be ok as well as her. When God finally calls her, it will not matter if your close or far. What will matter are the quality moments you have shared during life, the memories of the impact she has had on your life. God Bless all grandmas. I wish mine were still around. Alas, all i have are the memories of those great women that made such a difference in my life. I will pray that God helps you with this very difficult decision and guides you towards a decision you can live with.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Jul 11
Thank you so much and your right there's nothing I can do to stop it from happening although I wish there was. I just don't want to miss her last moments that I could have had with her. I don't know, I worry and think too much I know.
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@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
9 Jul 11
I was very close with my grandmother as well. I would suggest talking to her about it. Maybe she can help you decide. Or at least you will feel at ease with whatever decision you have to make.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
10 Jul 11
I second talking to her about it. I spent lots of time with my grandmas when I was small, but didn't end up living near any of my family as an adult. I really think my extended family understands, I mean I've always understood that people can't all live close. It can be frustrating because we are all so busy and it's expensive to fly, but I'm sure you can make arrangements, put aside money so you can visit every year and make special plans. If you make the decision together and know you have her blessing, it might not be so hard in the long run.
@AmbiePam (86346)
• United States
9 Jul 11
I think you have to do what is best for your family, like you said you know you need to. I understand your reluctance. But your family's well being seems to be riding on this move, and sometimes life is just filled with hard decisions. But I'm not telling you anything you don't know. Call your grandma as much as you can. Sending snail mail is a good idea because these days it is so rare people feel special getting an actual letter.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
10 Jul 11
Do you honestly feel your grandma would be ANGRY with you for moving somewhere where your husband would have more opportunity for work and a better job and therefore be able to provide a better life for your family? I don't think she would be angry, she would be SAD and miss you terribly because she loves you. We live two states away from my parents and don't get to see them often. I miss my parents but the likelihood of them moving here is about zero. In this economy, if you have an excellent job and benefits or the promise of an excellent job and benefits, sometimes you have to move away or not live near people you really love and miss. It's all about weighing benefit and risk. I think you should talk seriously to your grandma about your concerns for this move. Tell her the things you've struggled with here. Be honest with your feelings and how torn you are. I know when I am a grandma myself I will miss my kids and grandkids if they don't live close, but I also want them to have good lives and that might mean for them to live far away. I wouldn't want guilt to eat at them for moving away to have a better job and more opportunities for their kids and an easier time living. Would you want to see your daughter and her family struggle just to live near you if you knew they could do better in another city or state? You'd want her to have the best life possible, right? I just KNOW your grandma wants that for you.
• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Jul 11
Your right and I know it. I just don't want her to be angry with me, we are so close. I also don't want to move and something happen to her. I know for my family this is the best choice. Is it really tough? Heck yeah. I do not like tough decisions at all. I don't like that I might regret this later on. I do not like feeling guilty. Why can't life be easier?
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
10 Jul 11
How far away would you be moving? I haven't read the other discussion yet so I don't know if you just live NEAR her or live with her? Does she rely on you and/or your husband for any care or help or is the decision just eating at you because you're close? I'm sure she understands that if you move, it's for the betterment of your family, and if it's not far, you'll still see her? If you're talking about a move out of state or something, I can understand your hesitation. What does your husband think? Make your decision with him. I don't want this to sound callous or mean but when we grow up and marry, our spouse and children are our first family and their needs outweigh the needs of other family members... especially when you're talking about job opportunities for your husband. I don't know if it would be right to stay with your grandma and have your husband leave - unless it was short term. Again, I guess I will have to read the other discussion lol.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
10 Jul 11
I moved two states away from the majority of my family when I went to be with my husband. It was actually a very good move for me and right away I got pregnant with my daughter - however I remember thinking that I never thought I would be so far away from my mom while I was pregnant. 3 hours isn't so bad, I'm sure you will be able to plan to come at least twice a month, maybe your parents or grandma can help with a little $ for gas if necessary? I would probably feel rotten too, you know, the whole 'what if' thing, but I'm not thinking something will happen to your grandma just because you move away. Try not to think that way - and call her often. You can still talk to her every day, and I'm sure she would be glad to hear from you and help set your mind at ease that she's okay.
• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jul 11
I always think that way! It is in my blood, I am not sure I can help it. LOL. I am always asking what if. Bad habit I know. I think that has held me back from a lot of great things in life. Man I need to stop that!
• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jul 11
I live near her. She lives with my parents. She is being taken care of. I am just worried that the day I move something will happen to her and I will feel guilty because we are so close. I know she doesn't feel like I am deserting her but I do. We will live 3 hours away from her. I am hoping we will make enough money there to at least come every other weekend. But, if you had a relative that you were super close to and you moved away and something happened to them, wouldn't you feel kind of bad? My husband is out of town right now for work and it is breaking my heart. I am absolutely miserable to say the least so I know the move is the right thing to do for my family. I will feel really bad if I miss my grandmother's last moments, you know?
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@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
10 Jul 11
I don't really see a problem here...as you say your parents are with your grandma so she is been looked after...just ask your self are you skirting a problem of your own? and trying to blame some one else for it? or just a way [if you stay with grandma] to be away from your husband!
• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jul 11
That was a very rude comment and I do not appreciate it at all. The problem is your just trying to get someone upset and I don't think that is very nice of you. My grandmother and I are so super close and I am afraid the day I leave to move she will DIE! You don't see a problem there? Are you human???????????? I love my husband very much and he is out of town right now for work and it is breaking my heart! I think you are a very mean person and I would appreciate it very much if you would stay away from any other discussions I post... Thanks!
• United States
10 Jul 11
I think you need to do what is right for you. Whatever happens with your Grandma will happen regardless of whether you are near or far. I doubt if your grandma would want you to hold your life up for her sake. You have to do what is right for your family. Hope you can make peace with whatever decision you make.
• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jul 11
Your right and I do agree. As another person said I need to stop thinking what if. I just don't want to leave and something really bad happen to her! And I didn't get to say goodbye or spend her last moments with her.
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
10 Jul 11
Personally in a decision like this, I know it is hard to decide what is Best but at the same time you need to consider your family as a whole, and what is Best. If there is more work opportunities somewhere else and it would be better financially then this is the step you need to make. Maybe consider asking your husband about taking in your grandma to help her, or finding a way to move her closer as well? Just remember you and your own immediate family should come first.
• United States
10 Jul 11
I agree that its very important for her husband to find good work to support the family and it feels and sounds like a big opportunity. After the family gets settled in I feel its important to keep communication open and make sure that the family either goes and sees the grandmother or sends for the grandmother. That way there will be no guilt at all. No regrets. Now that she is married with a husband and children its important to put them first.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
9 Jul 11
Definitely it is going to he a tough decision to leave your grandma behind at a time when she needed you most. Probably you can still go but you make sure that you have a responsible caretaker to take good care of her and for you to make regular trip home to see her. It might be a little inconvenient for you but you have to make some sacrifice to make her feel that she is not neglected when you are not around.
• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Jul 11
She lives with my parents so they are taking great care of her. I am just going to miss her so much and I don't want anything to happen to her while I am gone since she is getting older and she has some health problems.
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
15 Jul 11
Even though it is very difficult, I think you really have to do what's best for your family. If the opportunity for a better life is somewhere else, then you really have to go. It is more for your children now. I just hope that you still have the support system around your grandma so that she could still be taken cared of, specially in case of emergencies.
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
9 Jul 11
HOw about video chat, like Skype, or an instant messenger service? That's the beauty of having a Web Camera, it's a lovely tool to keep in more personal touch with family and friends. Video and voice chat is great :-)
• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Jul 11
Thanks but my grandma doesn't do things like that. She is more of an old fashioned type. She doesn't know the first thing about computers. She always says that stuff is too confusing. I will visit her and call her as much as possible though.
• United States
10 Jul 11
LovingMyBabies I give relationship readings all the time and I have had a similar situation that I assisted with a client a few years ago, except it was her mother that she had her husband had to leave. Look at your situation she is with your parents and of course she is going to miss you(and your going to miss her)if you go. You are her grandchild and I am sure you hold her heart in your hands but believe me she will be ok. Even if your parents cannot help her there are great caregivers and private duty nurses who would love to look after your grandmother if she needed. Of course its good to screen people before you get help but think about it. Your not alone and your not being selfish because you want to be with your husband. You have children, a complete family that SHOULD stay together as much as possible. In the end your grandmother is going to understand that these things happen and she isn't going to hold it against you. Her plea I am sure is that if anything she would want your husband to try and find work close by her so you and the babies can stay. Bless your heart and try not to feel guilty. Just make sure you try to call her everyday and see her when you can. As long as you don't stop the communication it will be alright dear. She may even be able to come visit you and your family when things get settled. Don't live your life in fear and guilt. I hope this helps.