to list down properly the items for payment..

July 17, 2011 9:26am CST
Good day, One of the traits I enherit from my parents was, to list and account properly the items that I need to pay. As this is somehow a crucial matter since it involves money. Aside from that, according to my parents, it is good to list down all the items payable in order to avoid neglection. And to budget wisely the available funds. And I can say that I am truly proud of this trait that I have acquired from them. For sure, we all have different traits acquired from our parents that we are too proud to share.
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3 responses
@raj_gupta (311)
• India
17 Jul 11
I am not concerned about many but one that I have inherited from them, and I love myself for it, is the ability to love one and all without biasing on any social norm. My parents, specially mom is so very affectionate to everyone who is good not considering their caste, color or creed. I really believe that this one trait alone fulfills everything else. The one you have is a special one that I dream of having...I am so very bad when accountability is the criteria
• Philippines
17 Jul 11
That is great raj_gupta. I believe on what you have said, that you cannot love another without a knowledge of loving oneself.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
22 Oct 11
hi, yes you're right that everyone have their own traits came from their parents,for i think the traits i got from m parents is that being a frugal,and that way i can save my own money and at the same time i never always depend to the money of my parents.for me that traits i had is the best that i have,and i am proud.
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
17 Jul 11
To maintain accounts properly is a good trait. If only diarising of payments to be made is done it will help avoiding penalties. In order to get over this I have taken medical insurance as on 1st of January and hence every year I have to renew that and taxes I pay as and when it becomes due. Continue to develop a system and work well.