failed in mathematics

@gidz0518 (194)
July 19, 2011 3:15am CST
hello friends. Have you ever experienced failing in a school subject, and taking it again the next school year? Well, I do. And its Mathematics. In my whole school life, I have never failed in any subjects before. These is the first time I failed. I really hate mathematics. When I see a lot of numbers, I feel dizzy and lazy. How about you? Do you like this subject? MATHEMATICS?
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26 responses
@Awinds (2468)
• United States
19 Jul 11
I like math as much as I like being shot in the hand. Why God, did you make a world with math? I failed Algebra 1 and had to retake during summer at the time. That was in my opinion of form of cruel and unusual punishment... I always struggled with math. Even today, the calculator is my best friend. Many people struggle with it. I hear that are even making the more extreme cases an official disorder: math phobia or something like that. I could always ace English and Art without studying, but all forms of math were abominable beasts I could not tame. You will get through it.Just look forward to life after school - when there are no longer any paper tests that weigh on your success. Another fun thing with after school math is the fact that one can use a calculator - and "cheat" by looking up the proper procedure on the internet. I am sorry Mr. Algebra Teacher of old. :)
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• United States
20 Jul 11
I am sure Awinds was thinking of me what she wrote,"Many people struggle with it" Can I raise my hand any higher???
@Awinds (2468)
• United States
21 Jul 11
@carmelanirel - we should start a myLot interest - - the anti-math interest. ;)
@alphenor (686)
• Philippines
19 Jul 11
I like it. It's the easiest subject around if you've got a teacher that explains it right. You won't have problems if you know how to tour around various mathematical rules and theorems. Believe me, I know what I said.
• United States
25 Jul 11
I agree with you, alphenor! As long as you understand what's going on, math is actually not bad at all. In fact, it is fun to solve a hard problem!
@ayis12 (544)
• Philippines
19 Jul 11
Maybe you keep on failing on that subject because its always in your mind that you find it hard and its hard. Its like youre giving up before your trying. In what i do in school, i keep a positive mind that no matter what subject i take i will have a good grade. And thats it, i have a great grades. You already know in yourself that you failed in math. So next time, think you will pass that. Being positive, surely you will soon.
@Lxandra79 (1535)
• United States
20 Jul 11
Its not that easy, saying 'o ill pass this time' no. I have been having trouble with math my whole life. I just found out recently that I might have Math Dyslexia because everytime I see numbers, its just blah blah blah....I cant get it at all.
@Kalyni2011 (3496)
• India
27 Jul 11
No i never failed in any subject in school or college, Mathematics was my favorite, i secured very high mark in this subject, i know many are scared , hence hate it, all that is needed is, you solve problems daily, am sure you will like it soon Happy posting, cheers. Kalyani
• Philippines
24 Jul 11
I havent experience failing any subject so far. Mathematics is one of my favorate subject actually that why even if i dont study i still pass the subject. For some people mathematics can be annoying having too many number and symbols that we dont really need in our daily life. Happy Mylotting :)
@Harmonics (251)
• Philippines
8 Aug 11
Yes, I do. Mathematics is useful to me much in the same way as an armalite rifle to a soldier. Honestly, I am a person who hates math before, maybe even more than you do right now. But eventually,I found it to be the most easiest subject for me to comprehend. The reason I came to like it is its practical application. Many things that we enjoy using today couldn't have been invented if not because of the application of mathematical principle. Take for example a simple milk can. A manufacturer would want to have an exact dimension of a can that would contain a maximum volume of milk, but would use a minimal material(to maximize profit)to contain it. Of course, they wouldn't guess what would that dimension be. They would calculate it using the principle of calculus and there you go, they have it. So this is just one of the many applications of it in the manufacturing industry. I will not discuss the others because I might be hated for creating a wall of text here.hehehe.Good day to all!
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
22 Jul 11
Hi gidz! Oh, that's bad. You can always do better next time. I used to like Math back when I was in high school. I started to hate it when I reached college and the biggest factor for this was my professor. I never really liked him although we're both from the same town. May he rest in peace. I never failed Math though. But I did get low grades. Anyway, Math really needs extra effort in studying. You have to be patient studying those numbers and equations. If you want to pass, you have to spend extra time in studying. Or maybe get a tutor. Good luck!
@kkanaka (886)
• Singapore
22 Jul 11
Wah that's a terrible feeling, you must be thinking if only I had put on more efforts... try harder next time. To answer you question, luckily I have never failed any of my subjects, I usually manage to pass and technical subjects like Maths, Stats I can manage well than other descriptive subjects
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
20 Jul 11
I hear you gidz, as I am struggling so hard right now just to pass my summer math course..I am taking only one course over the summer, so I don't take the chance of forgetting what I have learned..I am in my first regular college math course, my first two were developmental math and since I got an A my first quarter and a B in my second, I guess I am looking at a C for this one.. Problem is, I have to take two more and it doesn't take a math genius to see if this pattern continues, I won't be passing all my math classes... So, what kind of math were you taking? If you search through some of my discussions, you will see what I am doing and it isn't fun.. Plus, in my most recent ones, I have made an interest just for people like you and me, an interest on student needing tutoring and some here have helped me, but I still struggle..I even posted up a paper I printed from my class, (I take my class at home online) and I scanned it to show what idiots they are in showing examples in these problems.. So if I could ever help you, I will..Just don't expect help in the adding and subtracting negatives, I can't help at all...:P
@LouieWpHs04 (4554)
• United States
21 Jul 11
Mathematics drove me a bit crazy. It wasn't too challenging, it was just too much effort in all the various things in which you had to remember. It gets easier over time. Sad thing is, most of the annoying stuff most people will never use in their lifetime. Well, unless you choose a field like becoming an architect or a mathematics teacher!
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
20 Jul 11
Hmmmmm you failed in mathematics but why? You should study proper because friend if once you failed then your interest will less. But no problem next time you will get more marks. I never failed in any subject in my life. I completed B.Com, LLB, PG and MCM. But I remember I was so weak in maths I got only 50% marks but no fail. You can score more next time so dont worry be happy and start study from today.
• Philippines
20 Jul 11
Well, taking up my bachelors degree entailed me to be exposed to a lot of mathematics. I just have to deal with it and fortunately I haven't failed any of my mathematics subject. I do have a good thing about numbers especially the basic and semi basic ones. But I don't like those hardcore ones which you really can't even use in ordinary life. And yes, doing and studying mathematics is rather brain draining. Really a pain in the head especially encountering hardcore problem solving.
@les1321 (41)
• United States
21 Jul 11
I love math, especially algebra.I know it's hard and complicated.But the key there is understanding.You have to understand how it arrived in that answer and the steps to do. once you know it, it's just easy.
• Germany
22 Jul 11
Hi Dude!!! Mathematics is a very interesting subject. But still people fail in this subject. It happens. If we fail then only we will get a chance to learn it again. Even I failed in this subject once. I know what's the pain of writing it once again. Dont worry Be happy......
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
20 Jul 11
I like math. I did pretty well with it in school, but do not consider myself a math whiz. For a lot of people math is one of those subjects you either get or you do not. Some people sail right on through, and others like yourself have trouble seeing how it works and what makes it all fit together. It is not that you are stupid. I think people have varying amounts of mental ability to think mathematically. Don't let this one subject discourage you. Keep going at it, find new resources to help you study and eventually you will win.
@walking2010 (1009)
• United States
20 Jul 11
Oh don't feel bad I have went through the same thing and it was no joke I mean I thought that I was slow or something but I guess you really have to have a love for math like that, some of the basic was easy but when it got into all that other stuff with the brackets I was like I don't use this crap in the real world i just don't get it, but I know you feel I mean I graduated high school and I found college to be much easier but when it came to all the other stuff i was like wow ok now what do I do.
@06MLam (620)
19 Jul 11
I don't like maths as well and I took it in my A-level because it is useful for my future. I have failed in my Chemistry and Physics before but I managed to catch up with them after that failure with a lot of effort put in. I think you can do the same for your Maths. Keep working hard and you can escaped from Maths one day hopefully!
• United States
20 Jul 11
I was never very good at math either. Don't feel bad. There was a time in ninth grade when I almost failed Algebra I. It was because I wouldn't lunch sometimes so it may have been a contributing factor. I usually got C's and sometimes D's in math. I was like "at least I passed" but whenever my mom would see that I got a D on my report card for a subject, she would just tell me to try harder and study more. :)
@Shlok369 (33)
• India
20 Jul 11
Mathematics ...... Gives nightmares to some . Tension to some . And ofcourse fear to touch it ........ I heard It is in only girl z case as they have Less IQ ( scientifically proven . Refer journals ) ... I never even thought of maths as a subject , similar to an art............. It z the orientation of mind thought which lead u towards the answer or solution ... It needs practice , so as my teachers said .... But I never used to practice maths not in rough book , not even jotted down in notes ....... Just few hours before exam I used to brush the theorems and formulas , finish ... Outcome. 94 or 96 % .. Not less than that ........ My teachers seeing my gears and talent, never touched me , no matter how naughty things I do in class ........ COMING TO THE POINT . First thing , maths require free mind not filled with adrenaline which causes fear towards a problem and leads to arithmophobia....... And basic s fundamentals , without it u can't understand , even if u do u can't solve it ..... Y to make a load with maths which is so pure in nature , no fiction … sit on glue and start from first introduction .......... Maths is easy only when u think it is ...... And practice ......
@zax340 (86)
• India
19 Jul 11
It happened with me. But i worked very hard and managed to pass. You need to do the same or else you change your line............