Best birthday you've ever celebrated.

United States
July 20, 2011 1:56am CST
It could be your own birthday or someone you know... but what's the best birthday you've ever celebrated? This time of year I know quite a few who are celebrating another year of life. I wonder what's in store for mine
1 response
• Netherlands
21 Jul 11
My best birthday was the year that I was pregnant for the first time. This year an aunt of mine came. This aunt I had not been seeing for years. We did not really have a fight but we just did not visit eachother anymore. She decided she would like to come, especially because of all the trouble in our family she wanted this to be her step towards reunion. I was happy she came and we all had a very good evening. I still see her now and she is the most kind aunt I could wish for, in hard times she is always there. She does not have to say much, just be there and that she does. The reunion birthday was the best yet!