108 degrees in NYC today..

United States
July 22, 2011 9:40pm CST
And I was burning to death. Was it half as hot as it was here where you live?
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6 responses
• United States
23 Jul 11
Ah, so it was nice and cool for you up there! Would you like a sweater? I haven't worn mine... well... ever. I'm joking, it only got up to 100 here in Texas. But 109 can be a typical summer day here. Has been for years. I try to go swimming when I'm out. And sit in the shade. I'm used to heat. I get cold when it gets down to 70.
• United States
23 Jul 11
Oh my god! That's crazy. This summer has been really hot in NY it's usually in the 90's. I saw someone faint outside of the bank today
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Jul 11
Uh oh.. I hope they were okay!
@erez98 (166)
• Israel
23 Jul 11
so, in Israel you would feel the same but for many more days like that in a year. yesterday, for example, it was 97 degrees ( farenheit). on june, 21 last year we had 110 !!!! and i am not talking about the desert area but near tel-aviv, near the medetereniean see. so, i would love to have the weather where you live, at least, you have many days of snow... lucky you!
• United States
23 Jul 11
Oh my! That's crazy. I do miss the snow right about now.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
23 Jul 11
Oh, that is really extremely hot. That's the heat wave coming in, right ? One has to stay indoors and try not to go out unless it is absolutely needed. We are lucky here today. The temperature here is around 70 degress F. Atleast, it is quite bearable compared to other places.
• United States
23 Jul 11
I wish it were around 70 degrees here! I had to go out earlier today and I felt like my face was melting off.
@Soleil05 (136)
• United States
23 Jul 11
It was a little over a 100 degrees here near Baltimore. The AC in the house could not keep it cool, and I barely felt it in the car. I'm soooo looking forward to cooler weather and would really appreciate a thunderstorm right now!!!
@Humanicon (328)
• India
23 Jul 11
When i read your discussion title i thought you are talking about degree celcious but then i later realized it was degree F. That kind of temperature is normal in summer in my place.So it is not at all a shocking news.Actually we have got used to these kind of temperatures. I understand how hard it is for NY people.I think it is all because of global warming that temperatures are getting so high.
@thetis74 (1525)
23 Jul 11
We are having rain these days here in the Philippines. But when it gets hot, it is really hot that I hardly go outdoors. It is so scary to think that it is getting hotter and hotter.