What'd you dream last night? (if you can remember)

United States
July 22, 2011 10:33pm CST
Often I have weird dreams, they usually involve some depressing thing happening. Last night I dreamed I was crying in an alleyway screaming I'm disgusting no matter what I change I'll always be terrible and my ex boyfriend popped up, he just stared at me. Then, I tried to kill myself. I have these types of dreams a lot (not usually with the ex boyfriend in it). What did you dream? & Please don't tell me to love myself
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2 responses
• Philippines
23 Jul 11
I don't usually remember my dreams but last night I think I dreamed of a big mouse with a huge antenna on its forehead. It was chasing me and wanted to eat alive.
• Philippines
23 Jul 11
Yep, not too fun at all.
• United States
23 Jul 11
Eek.. that doesn't sound too fun.
• United States
23 Jul 11
Well, not anything that depressing. I was in some sort of hotel and I had my cat with me. Family members were popping in to visit, and more and more showed up and I eventually didn't know who any of them were... but they seemed to know me. Which is about how family reunions go for me anyway. Please don't tell me to love myself Why not? I've been to that ditch where I hate everything about myself, (and when I say that I've been to the ditch, I mean I camped out and paid rent for years) it's not a nice place to live. I don't really believe that dreams have any sort of subconscious, symbolic, or prophetic meaning, but that they do sometimes reflect what's going on in your life and the condition of your soul. Your dream and your last comment let me know that you've possibly taken up residence in my old friend the ditch. I don't think I can convince you of anything in one mylot post, but you should learn to love yourself.
• United States
23 Jul 11
It comes and goes, But I'm still here. Life gets hard sometimes.
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• United States
23 Jul 11
I know the feeling. Hang in there! I hope you have some nice dreams soon!