SMART thing to do

@cormiera (278)
United States
July 25, 2011 12:09am CST
see if people were smart they would save there money for the bigger things inlife new house car etc but see if u really think about it u save up every penny that u have ever made how much would u have by the time u are 40 lol its amazing to see all the kid millionaires that didnt have to work for it i think and beleave that everyone should work for what they want and not worry about anything else but to eaarn it what do u guys think have u ever though about thaat
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4 responses
@pbbbsra (1214)
• Philippines
26 Jul 11
Those kids doesnt have any fault being born rich. Its their luck. and it will be in their hands how they will use that privilege. I think t will also be in the hands of the prents how they will raise those kids. As a child I wasnt deprived to have what I want too, but I get things as a reward for something I had done well, like a reward for a good grade at school. Nothing in this world is easy to achieve and a good life has a price.
@bouncybug (614)
• South Africa
25 Jul 11
Yes, of course the wise thing to do is to save your money for things in life that are really going to matter - how much better is it to have enough money to buy yourself a car one day rather than say a hundred cups of coffee on your tea breaks. the problem is that saving up a lot of money takes some serious self discipline - people want instant rewards and tend to not think too much about the future!
@cormiera (278)
• United States
25 Jul 11
yes but see if everyone had that kind of discipline as u say than money would actually be worth less if u really think about it and yes thats the problem they dont think about the future
@Bannybanzie (1397)
• Philippines
25 Jul 11
For me, if I want anything, I need to consider some things. First, can I afford it? Next, Will I really use it? And, is it worth the money? If I think it would be of great benefit but I don't have the money, I'll save for it. But even if I have nothing specific to buy, I still save. I save because money goes away easily. So if I have them, I try to manage it well that in times of need, I got something to get.
@cormiera (278)
• United States
25 Jul 11
yup yup see ur a smart shopper but not all think like that lol like my uncle he makes 8 dollars an hr runnin 56hrs a week and he thinks that since he is getting all this money that he can just spend and the bills will pay themselves its a hard habit to break but i guess he will leearn
@diala84 (138)
• United States
25 Jul 11
i think many live for the moment because it is easy. Quick gratification is what a lot of people are after whether they think so or not. A cup of coffee at a diner, a movie ticket, a lunch out, a new sweater, all these little things add up. But life is happening now if you don't appreciate the now you may never get to your ultimate goals. So in retrospect I believe balance is best. Find small ways to treat yourself once in awhile but don't make it a habit. Pay into your bills and savings/retirement first then set aside some free spending money to do with what you want and you will get the best of both world security and fun. =)
@cormiera (278)
• United States
25 Jul 11
yup yup its all about the little things for me i get gifts etc all the time from my b/f but we do get behind on bills nowadays what family doesnt and its kinda hard to beleave the economy is goin the way it is going