What is up with my laptop??? :(

Laptop Help - can someone plz explain what's going on with my laptop? :(
South Korea
July 28, 2011 6:53am CST
My laptop has been acting real weird today. It shuts down without any warning when I'm in middle of doing something!! What is happening can anyone explain? It's happened 3 times so far today. I have no idea what is wrong!! It just shuts down without any warning and when I restart it, it starts like there was no problem at all Has this ever happened to anyone's laptop before? Is it a sign of anything?? Plz help me someone
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15 responses
@rameshchow (4426)
• India
28 Jul 11
Laptop is a sensitive device, care handle. We can get a desktop within that cost, but it depends on our requirement. so once think about it...
@ElicBxn (63307)
• United States
28 Jul 11
I had that problem with my desktop and it turned out to be a cooling problem - you might want to make sure your computer isn't overheating
@ElicBxn (63307)
• United States
29 Jul 11
If that doesn't work, have someone check the fan, make sure its working properly.
• South Korea
28 Jul 11
Hey thanks and I do think it's the exact problem after reading some of the responses. Lately my laptop is giving on much hotness than usual. I will try cleaning my laptop and hope it helps coz I can't afford buying a new one and this one is just a year and couple months old.
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• South Korea
5 Aug 11
Thanks I will and the problem is starting again. Goshh a massive headache!!
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@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
28 Jul 11
Hi Girl! We have discussed about computer overheating in one of friend's (bharatsharma) discussion .You may refer it if you want some tips from one of the sis, hardworkinggurl as I did asked things about it to her. She mentioned some tips about overheating there. http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/2551015.aspx (^^)
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
28 Jul 11
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
28 Jul 11
@adnileb (5258)
• Philippines
28 Jul 11
That actually happened to my laptop before. I didn't experience it though because I sold it to my father. So he is the one experiencing it now and he keeps on complaining to me. If the battery is fully charged, there's no problem. But when you use it while charging, it would shut down. So, all you have to do is to wait for it to be fully charged before using. And the battery has lost it's life so it stays for only 1.5 hours, so you have to charge it every 1.5 hours. Now, I am planning to buy a new one for my father. Get you laptop checked before it's too late. Better check it yourself too. You might find the reason why. Hope it gets fixed soon so you can still be here to respond. *hugs*
@adnileb (5258)
• Philippines
28 Jul 11
thought you're going on a circus? When the laptop was still mine, it has no defects. That's why I said I didn't experience it. I didn't sell it to him because it was broken. You're blaming me again grandpa suny. I wasn't bad at all as I am going to buy him a new one.
@adnileb (5258)
• Philippines
28 Jul 11
I've been plugging mine sometimes directly too. I think it somehow helps for the battery to stay longer. My laptop sometimes overheat too. I have cooling fan but it doesn't help that much because it still keeps on heating. Take care of your stuffs. It's quite expensive to buy a new one than to take good care of them. Hope you won't break it.
• South Korea
28 Jul 11
Hey thanks for the response adnileb, i don't think mine's the battery problem though coz I don't put it batteries that often, I use it directly plugging it, don't know how good that is though. Anyway I might have found answers to the problem: overheating. Anywya i hope i don't break it coz it's just been a year and some month. Gosh I don't really know how to take care of my stuffs
@murkie (1103)
• Philippines
28 Jul 11
this problem usually happens to most digital devices. i'm not a techie, but i've seen this happen to some of the gadgets. however, i could only assume. probably there is a problem with the software. or maybe with the power supply itself (battery, mainly). check your software if it's corrupted, check your system for virus, and/or try out a new battery. or even better, bring it to an AUTHORIZED technician for an overall check. hope my limited advice helps.
• South Korea
28 Jul 11
hey thank you so much for the response and your help. I think I have found the answer to my problems: overheat. It does feel a lot hot underneath the laptop and might be because of the dirt and dust. My laptop is not the cleanest thing Anyway thanks for your time and help
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@murkie (1103)
• Philippines
29 Jul 11
well, there are cooling fans available in the computer shop. i think you better get one.
• South Korea
5 Aug 11
Hey thanks. Are cooling fans one of those things inside the computer? And can I buy one myself and fix it or something? Thanks.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
28 Jul 11
you should also check if there is something stuck, stick, on the keyboard key's itself, one of the reasons why the system sometimes operates un-authorized by the user....
• South Korea
5 Aug 11
Hey thanks. There were some dusts and some small stuffs stuck in the keyboards too. Will that also effect my computer's running?
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
5 Aug 11
of course, but rare and it happens too.... for example, if you accidentally press the power button on your keyboard and left unnoticed that they Power Key remains stocked and did not goes up to it's chamber position, every time you booth your computer, it always shut down by itself.... another example, if the Fn Key of laptop keyboard having a defect and you already know what keys might registered on the notepad when start typing...
@Humbug25 (12540)
28 Jul 11
Hey there thatgirl13 Yes I am afraid to say that like other mylotters have told you that it is an overheating issue. Mine used to do the exactly the same, it used to get so hot that I could almost fry an egg on it. Sometimes it would only be on for an hour before it would give up and shut down on me. I bought I reasonable priced cooling gel cushion and put it underneath. I knew that as soon as I couldn't feel the gel beads anymore then I need to close it down and leave it to rest. You would be better off to elevate the laptop somehow so that the air can circulate and the fans can do their job properly. You can buy like a tray to put your laptop on that will elevate it. As soon as you hear the fans going on for any length of time then you know that your laptop is struggling to cool down!! Hope this helps
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
29 Jul 11
I know plenty of people have already mentioned this part, but I'm going to tell how I help it out. I've had that problem on laptops before (more PC laptops then Mac laptops) and it's often been overheating. So, to get past that problem, I use a lapdesk, one with a solid top and a cushy bottom so that you have have it on your lap, and there's less of a chance of it overheating. When it does, turn it off, and leave it off for a little while. The more it heats up and shuts off, the better chances are that parts of it will get damaged. Cleaning it out, taking off the battery, and getting extra fans can help, too. Its kinda a pain, the more powerful computers get, the more they heat up, and the more they heat up, the more easily they can get wrecked...
@ellebj (784)
• Philippines
28 Jul 11
i think your laptop of overheating.. laptops really shut down on their own when they are heated up in order for them to maintain their system. don't worry much because when it shuts down, it makes the processor rest from being heated.. try to have a fan for your laptop so that it will not overheat..
• United States
6 Oct 11
My Toshiba tends to overheat and I try to shut it off before I go to bed so it can cool down. it could be an overheating problem or a virus, you'd have to let it cool off and then update your antivirus software and restart it in safe mode and run scans, but it could just be overheating, you probably need to shut it off for awhile.
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
28 Jul 11
I will suggest remove the batter charging wire from mains. Then remove the battery and wait for 20 seconds or more and then put the battery. 90% problems will get sorted out.
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
28 Jul 11
Yes. I think the previous suggestion is also good. U can keep a fan near laptop. Probably fan in laptop is not working fully. dont bother. try.
@Myshare (14)
• New Zealand
29 Jul 11
Hi, Well, it is likely that the main reason for your laptop suddenly shutting down is due to the dust/dirt build up inside your laptop. It also could be because you are placing your laptop in a humid or hot environment, but I would say it is the first reason, since it is a very COMMON issue among laptop users. If the air vents aren't as smooth, or effective, compared to a few months ago, or even when you first bought it, then, what you can do is buy a "can of compressed air" at your local electronics shop, and give your laptop a good clean. You simply spray short, but powerful bursts underneath your laptop, into the air vent, and also where the gaps in your keyboard. If you see dust, dirt, and food scraps rising or shooting out dramatically(or just some), then you know that the dirt build up is the main cause, and that you have done it correctly. Afterwards, you should see a slight difference(if not big)in how your laptop operates. You will be surprised in how much dirt comes out :D (if there is any, which there should). I know from experience that my laptop shut down sometimes a while ago, when playing very graphical games - before I cleaned out my air vents. After I cleaned out my air vents, I noticed that the fans, when my laptop booted up, were at max speed, and the hot air rushes out when I'm using my laptop, and at most times now, my laptop doesn't make an irritating fan noise, due to dirt clustering around it. What I did, however, is unscrewed all the screws, and took the laptop apart, and used thin pliers to remove large clumps of dust, trapped and lurking near my fan. Please don't do this, unless you are know what you're doing, or get someone else to help you. By the way, my laptop was bought about 3 years ago. It isn't as powerful as laptops these days. :( One thing I should have done was avoid placing my laptop near dusty areas, such as the floor(if that helps). Sorry, if my detailed response was quite long. How this helped. :)
@diala84 (138)
• United States
28 Jul 11
Your laptop could be overheating. If so then I would suggest keeping it in an open area and even propping something underneath so the fan can properly ventilate the circuitry inside. This ususally happens once you have had the computer for awhile. It may also be a good idea to use a can of air (pressurized air can) and spray in the vents while the computer is off. There may be a lot of dust inside that is causing it to work harder and therefore overheat. There could be other issues but try this out first and see if it stops shutting down on you. If it doesn't seek more advice and try to be a bit more specific about what exactly you are doing before it shuts down (gaming, browsing the internet, multiple applications at once, etc..).
@Shankerj (241)
• India
28 Jul 11
I just went through the responses of your issue of your laptop getting shut down automatically and mylotters have identified the issue as heating. Which seems to be correct, however I have seen similar issue with some machines which are low on memory and run high number of applications.
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
28 Jul 11
Perhaps your laptop is virus affected. It may be hardware problem. It is better to consult with an expert.