Yoga to melt love handles...

July 28, 2011 4:25pm CST
Yoga side twists are ideal to crack through stubborn love handles. Apart from toning large muscle groups, this pose also work by massaging and pressing into the lever, thus helping with fat removal. PARIVRITTI TRIKONASANA (Twisted triangle) - Stand up straight. - Feet a meter apart. - Adjust feet so right foot is slightly flared out, left foot points straight in front. - Inhale. Spread arms at shoulder level. - Exhaling, slide right hand down along the right leg till it reaches low, touching right ankle. - Hold the pose, breath normally. - Left hand is held over head or continues at shoulder level. - Focus attention on the hand overhead or look straight ahead. - Inhale, return to starting position. - Now repeat entire sequence for the other side too. AVOID: If you have lower back ache. BENEFITS: - It is a super love-handle trimmer. - Tightens sagging abdomen, wears fat along the torso. - Ups metabolism, digestion and fat release from lever. - Is preventive in spinal disorders. - Therapeutic in diabetes. - It also tones the inner legs by shaping them. - Is used for knee pain alleviation. So if you have love handles, try it. You will surely love the results.
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