god answers prayers in his own way

@SIMPLYD (90722)
July 28, 2011 8:09pm CST
God answered my prayer. An office mate of mine , who is my closest have been avoiding me, since i told her to tell her staff to always be on alert of checks for release in her staff's possession. We were penalized by the City for a business tax that was paid late, because that staff wasn't able to give the prepared check to the liason personnel who is under me , to pay it before the due date. I know that i am correct in what i said and maybe she was slighted because it was the truth. So, i kept mum about her avoiding me, but i prayed that she be enlightened. Yesterday, early morning she went to my table and gave me a big avocado, which she know is among my favorite! I was really surprised and i thanked God for answering me that way.
3 responses
• United States
10 Aug 11
You are so right, god does answer our prayers in his own way and when he feels it's appropriate. Once in a while we tend to get fraustrated because we feel he has abandoned us, but he always answers, but not always when we would like him to. Once in a while friends don't like to hear the truth, or that they might have messed up, but at least you were nice enough to bring it to her attention, it would've been worst coming from someone else. But luckily she came around and thanked you in her own unique way.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
12 Aug 11
That's correct. I know i am on the right and have told her that , not to offend her in any way. I was waiting for her to get over the hurt and asked God for His help, coz i know she will be too proud to admit her wrong. Nice of God to have His own way.
• Surabaya, Indonesia
29 Jul 11
It is very pleasant. Sometimes there is not we think to come and become reality. Truly God Is Just. Than you must believe, when you can not, then god will help you. And you will be grateful for the love god to minkind.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
29 Jul 11
Yes, God is good and he answers fervent prayers. Though we may not receive what we are praying for the way we want it and when we want it. It's his way that prevails, because He wants us to realize that He is amazing!
• Philippines
29 Jul 11
That's good news! Sometimes we do need to just wait for the opportune moment for friendships to rekindle instead of pushing yourself, asserting your "being right" about something. I am glad that everything is already fine between you two.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
29 Jul 11
Thank you for saying so. I feel happy too that we are in good terms again. It's as if a burden was lifted on my shoulders now. Truly, God is amazing in his ways of answering prayers!