simple lesson to remember..

August 4, 2011 3:04am CST
A pleasant day dear fellow mylotter, I was an internet surfer and do always facing the computer everyday. As I do logged-in to different sites. Alternatively, I do change password for security purposes. However, one day, I was not able to logged-in to one of my account. Hence, I have tried several username and password but it does not match to each other. What a simple lesson for me. That I should list all down my username and password in one note so I can able to retrieve it in future. Well I do still hope that I can still remember it soon.
6 responses
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
27 Nov 11
hi, it also happened to me and that was a really lesson for me,after that happened to me and to avoid forgetting of user name and passwords i used only one user name and password into different social networking and sites that i have joined,and it works because all network that i joined i can still sign in.
@bluespygirl (2112)
• Philippines
8 Aug 11
Hello there! That is why I keep only one or two username and password. That happened to me too just a few months ago. I used to just save the password in my PC then it has to be reformatted. So, the passwords had been removed too. I also jot down my username and password now though it is only three. I can be forgetful sometimes..
@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
4 Aug 11
You have become wiser after your experiences. Hopefully, now you will not forget your passwoards.
@tkonlinevn (6438)
• Vietnam
6 Aug 11
I'm too. I sign up many sites. I can't remember all user and pass. So, I usually have an Excel file or Word file to save them. When I need, I can open these file to get user or pass. I only remember 2-3 user/pass of my main email and some user/pass of main websites.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
That's correct. We should have a notepad where all our passwords for different sites and cards are written. That way, we can remember the passwords for some least used sites or cards. I did that and it's always in my bag. I am thinking of having another copy in our house, in case it gets lost. As to the user name i have only 3 , so it's not hard to remember.
4 Aug 11
I have had this experience. I even formatted my learning machine when I was in my middle school. Recently, I registered several websites members. And I have to write them down in order to relogin smoothly. At least, it is a good way for a bad memory. What's more,we should do a good security job too,yes? Good luck!