my english is very bad ,what can i do to develep ?

August 4, 2011 4:45am CST
i am a chinese girl ,and my job is connected with english.but my english is very bad,i am just able to say some smple words,i am afrid of tarking with others in what can i do ?
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18 responses
@shellani (61)
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
You can take your English subject here in the Philippines. In Asia, Filipinos are the best when it comes to English language. Many Koreans and other Asians go here just to study English. The program is called "English as Second Language(ESL)". If you cannot come here in the Philippines, we have many outsourcing companies that can teach you through a distance online. The good thing here is that, you pay less, but you learn more. Filipinos are very patient with regards to teaching. Ooops.. I forgot to tell, many Filipinos know Mandarin, so it will be really easy to get along with us.. :)
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
We are globally competitive cause we are flexible in learning so many languages like Nihonggo, French, Spanish, Russian language and a lot more!
@DoctorDidi (7018)
• India
8 Aug 11
Always consult a grammar book and a dictionary and try to increase your stock of words by reading English newspapers or anything you get in English. If you find any new word unknown to you, immediately check its meaning from the dictionary and watch how it is used. I believe that if you try, you must improve your command over English.
@zalilame (880)
• Malaysia
5 Aug 11
My English was also very bad before. My mother and father did not finish their school and worked as rubber tapper. But I am a very hard worker. I find ways to improve myself. I watched shows with subtitles. I listens to English songs. I gradually develop my interest for English books over the year. From baby books to English Literature. Library is my second home. But it is a pity since I started working my English was out of practice. Luckily I found Mylot and it helps me to improve my English. Bottom line is, practice makes perfect. Good Luck Lucia.
• Philippines
7 Aug 11
For you to develop your english communication skills, you have to watch a lot of english movies, read a lot of english articles or books, and talk to americans a lot. That way, you'll be able to know what your weaknesses are.
@sais06 (1284)
• Philippines
5 Aug 11
The first thing you must be able to develop is that you must feel comfortable and confident when talking in English. Practice to talk a lot until you get used to it. You can practice in front of the mirror or in front of a sample audience so that you'll build that confidence. Talk loud that you can hear yourself. Try to learn first the basics. The best thing to be good at something is to get used to it. I'm not also that good in English but it just developed and I got used to it that it feels normal and comfortable for me to talk in English. Just don't hesitate because hesitation will keep you from developing it. It would be okay at first to have a wrong grammar or to have mistakes because that's normal.
@averygirl72 (37863)
• Philippines
5 Aug 11
Read a lot of English-based books, magazines, and other reading material. This have helped me a lot. Because when I need to compose a letter or an email, I think of the sentences I read in a book or magazine and think how can I use them. Also when at home, I tried to talk to my family in English. I also have a daily journal and instead of writing using my native language, I write using English words. Practice is the best teacher. When we practice more, we gain confidence as well.
• China
4 Aug 11
There are many ways to improve your English, such as watching movies, listening English songs, reading news from English website, listening to VOA, BBC and so on. Anyway, I think speaking is more important, you know that most of chinese people, even her or his major is English, they are not good at speaking, but only good at writing. So please try your best to improve the ability of speaking, after all, it is the most important, isn't it?
@magicchou (163)
• China
4 Aug 11
Hi! Lucia. It's good that you come to MYLOT and turn to mylotter for help. I think this is the first step towards success! But this is far from enough. You need to do more. For example: as you kown, you should read more, listen to more materials, and most importantly, speak more. I think your biggest problem is not your capbility but your courage. So, be brave girl!
@nurseclare (2209)
• Philippines
5 Aug 11
Hi lucia, I am not good at English too but I am trying my best to express it just the way I understand it. I used to read books and read discussions here in mylot which is very helpful to me. Don't rush things everything will be learned if you're just willing. :)
@voracious (624)
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
Just visit mylot frequently and keep joining in the discussions to enhance your english comprehension and eventually you will realize that your proficiency in english improves without even noticing it.
@pbbbsra (1214)
• Philippines
5 Aug 11
I have a friend who is also afraid to talk. I trusted her and I know she knows well. I advice that you practice and get over that fear. SOmetimes she fears that she will say the wrong word and the person she is talking with will laugh at her. But I told her its all wrong. In order to learn good English, practice is an important thing. Dont stop teaching yourself. Read and practice speaking. Mylot is a good help for you. With what you have written here I can say you dont only know a few words. You know the words necessary enough to express yourself... So dont be scared to speak.
@Emerald20 (130)
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
I agree with other mylotters. In addition, remember that everything starts within you. Don't be afraid talking with your English language,because this would not help you. You can start the conversation, and don't be afraid or don't be shy clarifying things you didn't understand. You have to encourage yourself, you practice always..You started it, so finish it well. YOu can do it:)
• China
5 Aug 11
I'm a Chinese boy. I feel glad to have you here. Would you mind to tell me your kob?
@veedee13 (242)
• United States
5 Aug 11
You should not feel bad because you are not the only one is not fluent in english.The first step is to watch shows that are in english and maybe take classes to improve your english.In time,you will improve so don't feel bad about not being fluent
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
welcome to the wonderful world of mylot. like you i am from a country that english is not our first language. i am from the Philippines. though i have to say that e study english at school but still i can not say that i am fluent. but if you want to develope your communicating in english one of the advice i cna give is reading english books. you can start with simple love story books or sci-fi books. and also watch movies or if that is complicated then watch cartoons or any children shows in english. i havea japanese friend who slowly learned to speak english by watching children shows. goodluck on english and goodluck with mylot as well. do be afraid to talk to others in english and dont be upset if they correct you... its part of learning the more you speak the more you will learn.
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
it's great that you share this to us, don't worry you can improve your english proficiency more. my advice is to enroll in an online english tutorial lessons. I am from philippines and I am teaching online english tutorial lessons. If you would like i could help you learn and build new vocabularies, improve your english language communication, your reading, listening, and your comprehension. I have also a friend who is a chinese, he came here to study english and he wants me to tutor him, actually he came from china and came here just to study english and he is my classmate. i am now taking master of arts in teaching english to speakers of other languages.
• Philippines
4 Aug 11
Hi! Awww, you don't have to be down and consider yourself as bad in english. Just think of yourself as needing improvement in this language. That way, you could motivate yourself to keep learning and therefore improve in the long run. In terms of learning, I'd suggest that you keep watching english movies! If there are words you might not understand, then don't be afraid to look it up in the internet or even a dictionary. Reading books would also be a good way to learn and feed your vocabulary. And of course, practice. Try to talk to other people in english, and better if you talk to foreigners with english as primary and secondary language. And never, ever be afraid to make mistakes. That would only hinder you to learn.
4 Aug 11
I am also a chinese, I am a college studient, and my advice is, to listen more, to read more, to talk more. Pay attention to the QUALITY of your practice but not the VOLUME. You should set a schedule and follow it, never never give up. And additionally, the prerequisite for success is your interest in it, and therefore, regard it as a goal in your life.