i have quit smoking for almost a month

August 5, 2011 2:06am CST
i began to smoke since i was in college and till now almost six years. i liked to smoke when working or thinking otherwise my wife hated that and persuaded me to quit smoking and said she won't kiss me again cause the scent of my mouth someday. i promised and tried,however,sometimes,you konw couldn't help to smoke again. when on business to HK JULY 7th unconsciously seeing a smoking exhibition which shown photos about smoking is bad to health which may cause different disease and cancer,etc i was scared and shocked at that time not because i love my wife so to quit smoking but becuase my health issue. so i quit just that simply reason. at the beginning i feeled terrible and upset and tried to not think about smoking but something else instead. hehe,now,almost one month left, i have successfully quit smoking for a month. so lotters, do you have an experience successfully quit? how do you do that?
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7 responses
@varier (5685)
• Indonesia
6 Aug 11
I don't smoking but I really want to congrats you :)) Many people know the fact that smoking is bad for his/her health, bad for other people' health, but still, they are IGNORING that fact. So, I think you should had the strong determination and good motivation to stop smoking. Maybe you can share your success story and efforts in order to help another people to quit smoking too :) Again, congratulations!
1 person likes this
• China
6 Aug 11
thanks for response varier,sometimes when lying in bed i will think the reason why people want to smoke which not only bad for health but also bad for environment and most people have to smoke at the beginning cause some subjective reason then like to smoke cause they are addicted.
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• India
5 Aug 11
oh finaly i hve quit smoking for almost a month now i am feeling relaxed. i was in 10th standard when i start smoking now its 5 years passed wid regular smoke but finaly now i quit smoking almost a month. i was badly addicted to smoke even i got tensed if i dont smoke regular .i was very worried sometimes. i suffer from high cough and i feel that maybe i m surfing from danger deases.. its was toughest task of my life.. i never thought that maybe i became a chain smoker by regular smoking.its very bad habbit all my friends are even ask me to stop this but i was worried that how could i quiet smoking ..finaly i m go to teple and i m praying from almost a month i make my sedule very busy that by this my mind diverts in work... its very injurious for health il give u free advise that never smoke at any of cost specially for youngster ..
1 person likes this
• China
6 Aug 11
congratulation you too, meetykooner,i will keep in mind the warning you mentioned that:never smoke at any cost specially for youngster.thanks for response.
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
5 Aug 11
Congrats hanjian, for me to quit smoking was one of the hardest things I had to do..It took me many times and years to finally quit and that was almost 10 years ago now..I still struggle occasionally, especially when I get upset.I think it was my determination to get healthy and my children that was a big issue and why I finally was able to..:)
• China
6 Aug 11
carmelanirel,congratulations you, too. you know what is the most miserable time for me ? when having conference while other guys smoking i feel.....oh my god, you must understand my feeling,haha, thank you response,have a nice day.
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Aug 11
Oh yeah, I know exactly how that feels, by the time I quit, my oldest daughter was married and had her own kids and she and her husband smoke. So whenever they would come over, I could smell it on them and though they went outside to smoke, when I went outside I craved one so bad... But I didn't give as it took me too long to quit..
• United States
7 Aug 11
Thanks for the BR and remember to keep some alternative in case you have that craving. My alternative was chewing gum...:)
• Australia
9 Aug 11
That's an amazing effort! I hope you keep up the good work and stick with your choice, as i as a smoker myself understand how hard this is to actually do! I think that you have shown great strength in the last week and the health benefits are endless if you continue. It was a very wise choice and i wish you all the best of luck.
• China
9 Aug 11
hi,my dear lotter friend, i will stick with my choice and never give up, thanks for responsing and have a nice day.
@zalilame (880)
• Malaysia
5 Aug 11
I do not smoke. But I would like to congratulate you on your path to healthy life.
@thetis74 (1525)
5 Aug 11
That is just good for you. I am glad that you are one of those who quit. And I envy that hoping mother would be the one to stop. She said she smoked even when I was in her womb. She knew of all the extreme bad effects of smoking but she doesn't care because according to her the vice makes her happy despite the complications that it will give to her diabetes, hypertension, asthma and arthritis. She said she would rather die happy being able to smoke than die sad without it. God! She is just terrible. Keep it up and congratulations.
• China
5 Aug 11
i'm sorry to hear your mother stuff and people all have different living style, now that happy is very important to her the only thing you do i think is just supporting her. thank you for response, have a nice day.
@jalucia (1431)
• United States
5 Aug 11
Well, good for you! I have quit smoking many times in the past. Mainly, when I was pregnant because I would feel so guilty about exposing my unborn child to the health hazards. I do know that you have to find a strong motivation, and the right motivation for you, before you can successfully quit.