God works in mysterious ways

August 7, 2011 10:57am CST
Yes He really does, i have given my life into his hands.. i am a man with many obligation and responsibilities and despite all this, i can overcome them all.. at my young age i have ventured over hardship that not most people will be willing to face.. i don't have a regular job, what i have is a small business that generates income enough for my needs, despite this, i have made loans to which i gave to my mom to help my family sustain its needs, the loan i made is not generating income, i am struggling to pay for it alone with my small business, i tried calculating my income which is not really enough but for some reason, reason that i cannot explain as to how i find my way to pay my monthly dues for my loan.. what i do know is i call it a mystery, my relatives would ask, how you do it but i just tell them, i dont know, but what i do know is i pray and put my fate in God's hand
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6 responses
• Philippines
8 Aug 11
I am happy for you that you can appreciate God's love. Most people don't appreciate how much God has been giving us and I'm happy to know that we are the same. Sometimes I am just really amazed at how He helps me. Even when I'm not asking, He's giving me just what I need. Whenever I need Him, He's always there to help me for my emotional and mental problems. I have become more at ease and secured now that I know and feel His presence.
• Philippines
10 Aug 11
Oh, you're stories are the perfect example of how God really help us. It inspires me more and I hope all people who read that can be inspired too. His power is really so amazing.
• Philippines
8 Aug 11
well! other than receiving Gods Love, i also try my best to let other people appreciate God's grace over them, true some people don't notice it..i tell my friends and others my so called secrets as how i manage to live my life to the fullest, i tell them i have a good partner in life which is God.. i told when i was still a student i have a good study buddy which is God who help me studied hard enough to graduate from Nursing school, then i told them also that when i took the licensure exam for becoming a nurse, i prayed to God to guide my hands in choosing the right answer, then 3 months later i passed the board and become a license nurse.. i also told them how i manage to put up a small business because they really wonder how i did it and i told them i made God as my business partner.. i invested a lot of faith in him..
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• Philippines
8 Aug 11
Well God is good indeed. He may give us test to prove how strong our faith to him. But at the end of the day we realize that those tests helps us to be strong to face life and the next time we will have that problem again, we are already strong enough to face it. It's a matter of trust to him. He will not give us any problems that we can't handle. remember he created us so he knows us better more than anyone else in this world. I am so glad that you have a faith on him despite of all the sacrifices that you had for you and your family. Just continue doing that and at the end you will harvest the fruits of your sacrifices. have a great day..
• Philippines
8 Aug 11
you are right.. God knows us better than anyone else in this world.. all the challenges i face..i do it with God as my partner.. other than being a business man, i work as a volunteer nurse to a hospital and handling peoples lives is difficult.. i always pray to God to guide both my hands, so it is were my confidence comes as a nurse, knowing that God is guiding me in giving out medicines, and in intervening patient suffering from different illness..
• Philippines
8 Aug 11
God truly works in mysterious ways. We are not aware of His plan for each of us. But it is beyond doubt that God brought all of us into this world for a purpose. Even unborn babies have their place in this world. In one way or another they have also contributed to humanity.
• Philippines
8 Aug 11
Hi. Yes, God works in mysterious ways. We must always keep our faith and trust God all the time.
@nurseclare (2209)
• Philippines
8 Aug 11
BRAVO ("CLAPPING HANDS")... God really works in mysterious ways, you're blessed by GOD.You truly have faith on him. I trust him too in everything I do. This happens to me too. I provide my brothers allowance and I do have a minimum salary for us both to survive. It's really hard for me but I am striving so HARD and the next day i received money accidentally(a friend will go to my place and asked me if she could buy some of my outfits and had it on a garage sale) It feels good when you know in your heart there is GOD. Happy mylotting
• Philippines
8 Aug 11
its nice that you have shared your story to us... God never really leaves anyone behind, we both have problems and we both have God on our side, i pray for continued blessing for the both of us and to others as well.. Have a good day..
@bluespygirl (2112)
• Philippines
8 Aug 11
Yes, we should keep our faith in God. In times of pain, distress, depression, problems and trials no one can help us except God. It is so comforting talking and praying to Him. God works in many mysterious ways we cannot see and He will always be there for us. I find peace in Him too. I always hope and pray that things will be okay with me and my family now..
• Philippines
8 Aug 11
i agree. i pray to him in times of trouble, in times i needed comfort... it is very relieving sharing problems with God, my concerns are put to cease... i feel lightier.. sometimes i have already my best in solving my problem and all i can do next is wait for its outcome, i pray and leave it up to the God already, i tell Him that no matter what happen i will openly accept it..
• Philippines
8 Aug 11
God provides. We may not have everything in this life as in financial stability but at least in your case you have your family. The good thing is you do not live in poverty. We are indeed lucky, though we may not belong to the upper class of this society but at least we get by. This we must be thankful for to the Lord. For the other things, we must wait for God's will but while waiting do good and perform your responsibilities in life. Good things come to those who wait.