Do you prefer true to life story movies or fiction?

@thetis74 (1525)
August 13, 2011 6:51pm CST
Fiction is also good because you can also learn a lot from it. You can learn about what might happen to us same with what can possibly be really out there for all of us to know. It is also when they tell you with things and technologies man can possibly do and invent and all the other things that can possibly happen to our world. It can serve as a warning too for things to come. I mean, both are educational but I am always more interested with true to life story movies. It is more worth-watching to me. How about you?
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14 responses
• China
14 Aug 11
i prefer ture to life story. thetis,have you seen the movie called "pursue the happiness acted by will smith which is based on a ture story and really deserve to see it.
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@thetis74 (1525)
14 Aug 11
Yes, I have seen that. It was almost fictional that was so touching you couldn't almost believe that after all they had been true they passed through all of life's which they deserved. I wondered what happened to the wife. She must have regretted leaving them.
• China
14 Aug 11
hehe,in my opinion, wife left her husband and son cause wouldn't stand the hard living condition and pressure and also is a need for plot i think. yesterday i found a new interesting stuff about this movie: you konw who is the real man of this ture story? at the end, he succeed and got the broker then took his son out of the school, then father and son walk and father asked : what' s the king jungle? gorilla, the son answered, then a black high man came across them, and father and the black men looked face to face and the movie is end .
• China
14 Aug 11
the black high man is the real man of the true story.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
14 Aug 11
I think it depends on the mood I am in. If I am in the mood to look into fictitious stories or movies, then I'd go for fiction. However, if I feel the need for something deeper (perhaps something I could relate to) then I'd go for true-to-life stories. These days I find it very difficult to find movies worth watching in the cinemas which is why, if the reviews are not really good, I'd just wait for the pirated DVDs instead (I know it's bad but why would I pay more for a movie that isn't worth that much?) Have a great MyLot experience!
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@thetis74 (1525)
14 Aug 11
That's right. We also buy pirated dvds (hehe). It is really good to watch all these different types of films. Both are very interesting. Thank you. I am truly enjoying here. You too.
@oXAquaXo (607)
• United States
14 Aug 11
So true! A lot of the movies that win oscars and golden globes don't deserve them as much as the old ones! The only good movie? INCEPTION. Haha, I stream movies online for free. I know I'm not supposed to and it's illegal, but it's just TOO easy and everyone does the movies usually don't turn out too good, and the DVD's can be a ridiculous price when they first come out. Happy mylotting!
@oXAquaXo (607)
• United States
14 Aug 11
I usually love reading fiction. The possibilities are endless with those types of books. When you work day to day in real life, and even though people say "anything is possible", you really are limited to what you can do. Day to day life can be tiring, and it's nice to open yourself to world in which anything is possible, in which your dreams are realized. But don't get me wrong; I love non-fiction, too. Non-fiction teaches us more about what we have, and that's terrific. But I personally favor fiction over nonfiction, just because there is such a wide range of possibilities. Anyway...both are good. Happy mylotting everyone!
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• Philippines
14 Aug 11
True to life stories are interesting to watch but I'm not that interested on those too much. I only watch those types of movies if I know the person. I prefer watching fictional movies because I watch movies to relax and have a great time.
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• Philippines
14 Aug 11
Yep, and that, too. It's better for me to watch The Simpsons or Finding Nemo than true to life stories.
@thetis74 (1525)
14 Aug 11
Yes, I agree. It is better for relaxation. You won't be able to relax watching true to life stories because mostly will be high on drama. It might add on to the pressure that you already have.
@Alechin (217)
• Slovak Republic
14 Aug 11
I definitely love true stories above fiction. I think that they are very inspirational. Fiction is fiction, i mean its all cool but at the end of the movie you are like: Nice story... But at the end of a true story you go like: Damn, did it happen in this way? Thats what i love about it.
• United States
14 Aug 11
i definitley agree with you. as long as it has a good story behind it and good scenes its a good movie to me. but i perfer real movies over fiction movies, or anything really like video-games for instince
@bostonphil (4459)
• United States
13 Aug 11
I prefer movies that are based on truth. I do not mind if they are fictionalized a little as long as they do not stray too far from the truth. I love a good movie. I use it to relax but also to learn. Right now, I am watching Kinsey. The other night I watched Skin. I feel that I am enjoying, relaxing but also learning.
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@thetis74 (1525)
14 Aug 11
I agree that they do fictionalized some a little. They must also need to try to make it more interesting to watch so that the viewers will really stick to it if it would become boring in some parts of it.
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• United States
15 Aug 11
I loved the series The Tudors and also, Rome. They were both fictionalized but they were both very interesting and I learned from both. Rome was a little bit too violent. And I believe that it was heavily fictionalized while The Tudors less so. I agree that sometimes movies and series based on historical fact need to be somewhat fictionalized to keep the story entertaining. And to keep it running smoothly.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
14 Aug 11
I do like both types of movies. They are in their own ways very valuable and enjoyable. When I have the time, I used to read novels, especially the classics, and so when movies based on the novel I have read comes, I would like to see that and enjoy how the casts perform what has been narrated in the novel. That is an enjoyment.
@thetis74 (1525)
14 Aug 11
Yes that definitely is a good. My sister would tell me the difference between reading the novel twilight and harry potter with the movie. Such a thick book. I wish I could do the same way. Only that I don't have time reading any novels. So I just watch the movies.
@krajibg (11923)
• Guwahati, India
14 Aug 11
Hi thetis, It usually depends on the mood as to what would take me to the prevalent psychological status. Even in normal condition I would love to watch movies where there is projection of reality regardless to the denouement of the movie. But some time like to watch films that is a blending of truth and fiction.
@icecubic (1845)
• Indonesia
14 Aug 11
as a movieholic I love both of them, for me a real life story film can give many inspirations in our life or even can motivate ourself,
@Mitch0611 (105)
• Philippines
22 Aug 11
I like both depending on the the message of the story and how they make it interesting or entertaining to watch.
• United States
14 Aug 11
I love to watch fictional movies because I think it takes us to a different world.We can let our imagination flow,which is not at all possible in the real world.But i think to relax our self from our daily stress it is necessary to watch fictional movies.
@thetis74 (1525)
14 Aug 11
Both can really be equally good depending on the story. I agree with both of you.
• Philippines
14 Aug 11
fictional movies are good..yeah.. but i prefer true story..hehe..'cause out of the story itself, you can relate yourself or the things you've experienced in that true story movie..and sometimes,true story movies can inspire us,motivates us to do the things we think its impossible to achieve :)
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• Philippines
14 Aug 11
I actually don't have a preference as long as they are entertaining and the story is good. I've recently watched Battle: Los Angeles and this is actually a sci-fi movie, at first I thought I woudn't like it but the story and the delivery of the scenes is just superb that I had to watch it again.
@thetis74 (1525)
14 Aug 11
I have heard of that. It sounds really good. I will remember the title just in case I pass through a dvd shop. I always watch the movies I like more than twice too.
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
14 Aug 11
I don't mind either but preferable, I would choose fiction because fictionalized films tend to be more entertaining and mind-blowing. Though, true story films, especially the emotional ones get you emotionally and it's nice to watch a good drama that actually did happen.
@thetis74 (1525)
14 Aug 11
That is also true. I could see now that the fictional movies have more votes. Both are really special also depending on the effects of the viewers.
• Philippines
14 Aug 11
I prefer both. I am enjoying reading both fiction and non-fiction books. I mean I learned a lot from reading. It makes me learn different traditions of different people from different places in the world. When I was in college, I love Indian literature. In fact my favorite book from indian literature is RAMAYANA and MAHABHARATA.