How do you feel to be married to an unexpected large family?

@subha12 (18441)
August 14, 2011 9:36pm CST
say your marriage is fixed in a family where the guy has many siblings and you come from a nuclear family of just one sibling? Also may be most of the time you will stay in a different place, but occasionally you have to live with the large family with so many siblings, most of whom are many years elder than you. Say most of them are dominating and will have very high authority on how you live your life. Will you be very comfortable there when you come from liberal background with good education and job but they are very conservative?
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8 responses
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Aug 11
hi subha oh I was married to a man who had a large family of very prim proper seventh day Adventists who frowned at my being a Methodist. My son gave us a round trip tickets to see his family for one christmas. and outside his sister and one sister in law all the rest made me feel like something they had stepped in and got on their shoes., just because I wore jewelry,I kept Sunday as my Sabbath and i was a Methodist. I was so glad when the two weeks were up and oh yes I asked my hubby to cut it short so we could spent New Years eve at home with our adult son.I had to so so many things to get along in that two weeks that just went against my grain. I am not a vegetarian, I love jewelery and reading magazines and going to the movies. all of these the Adventists do not lol I lovef my hubby but his family sure did not love me and made me feel it too.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Aug 11
typo alert I loved my hubby not I lovef sorry about that.
• China
28 Aug 11
yes, i hate many people live together, in my opinion, too many people means too many matter, if they can not get long with very vell, you are so pitiful, so when i look for a boyfriend, first ask if he is the only son of his parents, if not , do not date with him
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
15 Aug 11
Whetehr you one or one among many, if there is similarity in upbringing, background and sense of values and if all are friendly, the n it should not be a problem. On the other hand, if there is politics in the large family and they have a totally different background, then it would prove difficult.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
15 Aug 11
I myself come from a big family of 10 siblings. Most of the girls in our family are strong headed and domineering. When my brothers got married it took a while for their wives to adjust themselves to assimilate our kind of lifestyle. We treated them well and make them feel at home with us. Fortunately many of them are also from big family so they don't feel uneasy in our midst. But for those who are unfortunate to be the only child in a family, marrying into a big family can pose a problem if they don't know how to adjust themselves to fit in the crowd.
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
15 Aug 11
I am not sure how will I ever react,act or feel. Maybe if they will treat me good I am sure to be feeling comfortable. In real life, I am not used to live with many people but I can adjust easily with my environment provided people are accommodating then there will be no problem. I will try my best to know each behavior and will adjust well with them not to create any trouble since I have no choice but to stay with them. have a good day jaiho®
• India
15 Aug 11
is this question only for girls? Well i am a boy..but i feel really bad if this happens to me as there are so many responsibilities and formalities and worst thing i hate both these things.
@allknowing (132070)
• India
15 Aug 11
We sponsored a child's future who is an illegitimate with a mother who has a mental problem which meant she had no one who she could call her own. The nuns helped me get her a boy. She is now married with 2 kids and her husband has 6 brothers and they are all married with children of their own. I am happy for this kid and wonders of wonders she is the favourite of them all!
@pibi713 (187)
• China
15 Aug 11
It is Ok if I don't have to live with them and just visit them on the holidays. If the other sisiters and brothers of my spouse are nice, generous and open minded, I will be glad to see them. But if they are conservative, arrogant, selfish, I will find it difficult for me get along well with them. So I will avoid visiying them.