How cashgopher works?

@subha12 (18441)
August 17, 2011 8:22am CST
It has come to my notice just today. I am not sure how does it work. I have installed the software. How I should work with it? how much earning will i get? where should i give my paypal account?
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4 responses
• China
28 Aug 11
wow, cashgopher? i see it first time , i think maybe it is sth like PayPal ?
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
18 Aug 11
You installed Cashgopher and then it has an icon in your computer. It will work when your computer is online. You don't have to do anything after that. It seems it is an easy way to earn. However, I joined it before and I had been online for a long time everyday. But my earning for several days is just one cent. It is just so discouraging. And my anti-software ever warned me to remove this software. So finally I uninstalled it since I don't want to take a risk for such a low earning. I love China
@tom7777 (63)
• Ireland
17 Aug 11
i had cashgopher installed on my laptop a few months ago and i can tell you u that it a waste of time. thats my point of view anyway.
@amkiller (533)
17 Aug 11
you know what I used cash gopher for like a week and I got 0 cents. Some people get like 2 dollars in 1 year. It is very slow so I quitted. I am not sure how it works but it is very slow. I will not use it if I was you.