So ashamed that my country people is violating mylot guidelines intentionally

@hexebella (1136)
August 19, 2011 9:21am CST
Just a few minutes back I come across a topic that posted in my native language. Today is a holiday in one of the cities in Philippines celebrating the National Language Week. She is announcing this to mylot and that she is proud of her native language and being a filipino. Indeed that my own people are rule violators and this you will observe on the streets, both pedestrians and drivers. This is just one scenario....and many more. I think this has become a culture. What could be more embarassing when I travel to other country and i see big signage in public ares telling don't do this.....don't do my own native language "filipino" On behalf of this person and to the other person who responded in the same language, I would like to extend my apologies to the mylot community for their inappropriate behavior.
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3 responses
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
20 Aug 11
Mylotters violate different rules many times and the site deletes the post. But if one filipino does something wrong, I donĀ“t understand why you would have to apologise for him. If we apologised for every person that does something wrong or violated rules (here and everywhere) we would not have time to live our own lives. By the way, in every country there are not so nice people. The good thing is that most of thm are nice
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
20 Aug 11
Thank yu, waflay. I have traveled to many places and the mayority of the people are nice and helpful. I am sure that as long as we try our best, that bad minority will stay being a minority.
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
22 Aug 11
Hi guys! Thanks for being that broadminded, I traveled in different countries and experienced racial discrimination. Actually here in the middle east, if someone ask me if I am from the Philippines I always say "no", I tell them I am from Vietnam as they do not know anything about Vietnamese. The people here thinks every filipina is the same. I am really embarassed and angry if I see my country people behaving inappropriately especially in international community.
@waflay (2737)
• Nairobi, Kenya
20 Aug 11
We have a saying that goes ' every fresh river has got its own poisonous snake'... If the majority of something is good, then its automatic that it will over-shadow the bad minority and what gotta be the end result? Good. I like your post about this issue.
@bhyjay (75)
• Philippines
20 Aug 11
I am s Filipino! I am proud of it and i have never been ashamed of my country... Don't be ashamed of our country, but only to those people. There are about 8 million Filipinos... Let's say 100k of them are violators. Is 100k of 8 million enough reason to conclude that the whole country are like them? I don't think so. There are so many Filipinos worth mentioning. Like Pacquiao, Paeng Nepomuceno, the Azkals, Apple de app of Black Eyed Peas... So many Filipinos are worth mentioning and be a topic of discussions... The violators, they do it to get attention. The best way to deal with them... Don't talk about them! Don't write about them! Don't even bother to think about them!!! Just do what you do best that would make our loving country proud.
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
22 Aug 11
Nice one bhyjay! I feel this way as I have been a victim of racial discrimination in different countries I traveled and worked. Not all people has a wide thinking the way you do guys....I really hate it when our fellow country people are behaving so badly especially in other countries that make other nationalities think how bad we are. Indeed that in every forest, there is always a snake around. Cheers!
@bhyjay (75)
• Philippines
22 Aug 11
I have worked abroad too, and it's true... Majority of the foreigners look down on us. Because of what others have done. But what do i do? I continue to walk, head and chin up, proud and say to them. I AM DIFFERENT FROM THEM!!! Now they know that not all Filipinos are the same. If there are snakes in every forest then i want them to know that i am a LION!!! CHEERS for the PHILIPPINES!!!
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
19 Aug 11
Like 3honor says, when they do this, admin will delete them and they don't get credit. But don't be so ashamed, I don't judge one from the country they are from, I only judge one by how he or she treats another, and that is individual, not by the whole country..In fact, I have a friend here on mylot who is in the Philippines and I think he is a really good guy...
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
22 Aug 11
Thanks Carmel, not everybody thinks that way....I have been to different countries and experience racial discrimination due to some who are doing bad things. Looking at the other side of the coin....there are a lot of good people in my country whom one can be proud of....
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Aug 11
Yes, there are jerks out there judging someone by their race or religion, but not everyone is this way..