Is canada a better option for further studies??

August 23, 2011 4:11am CST
I am a Indian student and i want to go abroad for my further studies and choose Canada for it, many advised me to go to Australia and many said Singapore but after doing lots of research i choosed Canada as my final decision and i am now about to apply for visa but still i am in dilemma whether my decision is right or wrong. Those who are international students studying in Canada please help me out whether my decision is right or not? I am a bit nervous.
1 response
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
26 Aug 11
Many said that England and America is the best country for education ... But I believe that a good education , based on the desire and interest in majoring in which we will choose, and of course take into account the funds that we have Don`t push yourself to study in a place that does not match your interest and certainly not in accordance with your money i do hope you can get the best for choosing what country do you like it My suggestion, use internet for searching many information about university in canada, England and America...
• India
28 Aug 11
thank you so much for your guidance..
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
29 Aug 11
so had you gotten your next school??