A Profesore's vengeance!

@rawar31 (112)
Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
August 26, 2011 8:54pm CST
I havent been on mylot since the 15th cause on the 16th I travelled to the country I'm studying in to start Pre-Med, and of all events to happen so far( many) one stands out as odd. My social sciences teacher threw all the med students out of his class!There are two social science classes that we were told are equivalent classes, only now we get into the class the teacher says he's not teaching anything that we would need in medicine- hes only to teach the students doing educative fields! The administration says one thing and hes saying another.I'm not worried cause I have an opurtunity this week to change the classes I dont want for any other that is available butI think he has a vengeance for some reason to medical students. What do you think?
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3 responses
@srjac0902 (1170)
• Italy
27 Aug 11
It is an expression of the self interest from the social science teacher. There are some teachers - fanatic I would say who are jealous of their profession and teaching. They would like perhaps majority of their students may opt for the subject they themselves have been qualified and in some or other way they take revenge on the students who opt differently. It is utterly foolichness. When one is truly educated then the common sense stimulates that all may be educated but may excel in the specialization that they opt for. If one has been called for a scientist' profession, one may be has been called to be a politician. Some perhaps are forced to opt against their personal uptitude because of the enormous cost or for availing of the job opportunity. But in a democratic set uo an educated person has been called to live his profession with greater commitment and allow others to opt for the profession to which they have been called for.
@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
27 Aug 11
i will not think of it as vengeance. there may be other reasons why he acted that way. anyway, some teachers are really hard. and they may have good reasons and intentions for that. i remember my math teacher who was very hard on us. now, looking back, i could only appreciate his actions because if not for his strict way, we could not have learned and appreciated math in college.
• United States
27 Aug 11
What? That's ridiculous. Social Sciences is a general education course, isn't it? So it should also apply to med students, just like all general education courses in math, science, and literature. In my school, general education courses are mandatory regardless of whether or not they actually teach anything relevant to your chosen major. If the administration says that he needs to be teaching Social Sciences to everyone, then he needs to be teaching Social Sciences to EVERYONE. You should bring up his choice to throw all med students out to an administrative advisor. I can't think of a legitimate reason that you would be put in his class by administration and then thrown out because his course "isn't relevant to medicine".