At present time is religion is still sprading peace and love?

August 28, 2011 12:57am CST
Each religion got different definitions of all mighty god. But in all religion one thing is same. Each one talks about peace, salvation, love to each other. But look at current world. What do you see? Is religion is sill key to salvation and inner peace or it has become spark of fire. People are using it for war and dividing communities. Tell me you opinion on this matter.
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9 responses
@BLTLife (337)
• United States
28 Aug 11
No. At any time religion is spreading peace and love but also war and hate. There are even certain major religions that praise their messiahs or what not for killing people. It's viewed as a "cleansing" of the world.
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
28 Aug 11
Yet in all religions there is disagreement between the members. There are fanatics.. those who twist and misuse in every religion. Then there are also the peacemakers who try to reign in the extremists.
@BLTLife (337)
• United States
29 Aug 11
There will always be disagreements in religion. It's the process of it evolving to suit our times and needs. Fanatics aren't all out to twist and misuse. Peacemakers also lose there way. That being said, the fanatics can sometimes be closer to what their religious doctrines dictate. If you were to pick up the Bible or Torah you'd find some pretty violent things that God approved of and in some cases told people to do. It's hard to have peaceful teachings when the authors contradict each other and the main character has active roles with violence.
@godarna (223)
28 Aug 11
It doesn't matter what faith you confess. All religions teach you the same: be a good person, live a meaningful life and treat other people well. This is the most important for all of us. All that other acting, so called in the "name of God", is false. God never meant it to be like this.
• India
28 Aug 11
So u r agree that people are using god's name for wrong purpose?
@godarna (223)
28 Aug 11
You didn't read my comment that well, or you don't understand. Please reread!
• India
2 Jun 12
At present, religion is spreading hatred and not love.
@bird123 (10632)
• United States
28 Aug 11
VERY VERY GOOD POINT!!!!! People have not learned what God is all about yet. They choose everything but what God is all about. Those that understand God is about unconditional love and kindness must point even when so many refuse to see, for one day, it will become clear to them. Even the most hateful person will grow tired of hating one day.
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
28 Aug 11
I think that's very true. God is unconditional love and many forget that. They want God on 'their side' against 'their enemies' I also agree one day we will all know the truth.
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
31 Aug 11
I forgot to add. I apologize for those who respond to your discussion just to be argumentive. That to me is personally bothersome. Everyone has their personal opinions and viewpoints and that's great to express them. But when a person goes around looking for discussions to argue with or put down another's beliefs or ideas I think that's annoying. So on that note my apologizes. Have a good day.
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
31 Aug 11
I think that religion that encourages war are doing the opposite of what they are preaching. Many religions teach peace. But certain clergy go and pray for their troops. On the other side of the world religion is praying for their troops as well. Is God going to favor one side over the other. God doesn't favor one side over another. There are people who don't take up arms or go to war and those individuals are doing the right thing in God's eyes.
@1hopefulman (45121)
• Canada
28 Aug 11
Most religions only talk about love and peace but they get involved in the wars, hate, corruption and immorality of this world. That is the sad fact!
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
28 Aug 11
Not all people are using religion for 'war and dividing communities'. There are still those who seek peace and love of neighbor. Those who use religion as an excuse to harm others are misusing religion. It's not religions 'fault' it is the fault of those who misinterpret and make excuseds for their bad behavior.
@naseemkum (1803)
• India
28 Aug 11
i think atfirst they start their religion by copying other one by keeping rules of peace humankind etc. but u know if there is one religion we can see peace. but its now competion world everybody promoting themselves so we cant find peace here. im saying im brilliant and ur saying ur brilliant we dont had piece each other. its the real face of all religions. every religion taughts its only true way to god not other.