Rating or Voting Up Factoidz Articles

United States
September 1, 2011 10:23am CST
I write for Factoidz and like to return the favor of voting up articles. You are limited to 10 each day, so this makes it difficult when you follow many people. I like to save my votes for the best articles, but I also like to return the favor of votes, as I mentioned earlier. When you get voted up, do you try to return the favor at least some of the time? Also, with me, I am happy just having a visitor and perhaps a comment; not necessarily a vote. Visits are what count most, right? Votes can make you more popular in a certain category, but does anyone know if more votes means you get PAID more at Factoidz? Thanks for any info!
2 responses
@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
2 Sep 11
hey bethany! not a member of factoidz yet but send me your referral link if there is one via pm and i'll sign up with them so i can either vote/visit your articles. glad to help a fellow mylotter out. cheers!!!!!
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Sep 11
Hi. I sent you a link. Thanks for your response. The first ten or so articles have to be approved by Factoidz staff, but after that you get published instantly most times. They pay activity bonuses as well. Hope you like it!
• Philippines
13 Nov 11
Hello Bethany, I just recently joined factoidz and my first article was approved, Still I have no vote. Can you help me with this one? We can exchange votes if you like. Thanks!
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Nov 11
Sure, I will try to find you on there, is your name Jade Ramirez there??
@ip5217 (1655)
• Philippines
2 Nov 11
I'm a member of factoidz. I don't think you get paid when you vote others. Although, it can eventually increase your monthly income because normally these people whom you vote will reciprocate and visit your articles, too. They know how it works. They more of the time drop by your articles and leave comments because this way they can have themselves exposed through your articles. Simply put, the more visible you are to the readers, the more positive impact you will experience in terms of revenue.
• United States
6 Nov 11
Already know this, but thanks for your input.