I am stuck on Band-Aid brand and Band-Aid stuck on me!!

Band-Aid - Band-Aid commercial
September 1, 2011 5:10pm CST
This commercial on tv has been going for years and years and every time its on, then Im stuck with that silly song in my head. Its the same for nearly all the commercials on tv, if its a catchy song, well it means I might go to bed with that song in my head. What song from a commercial sticks in your head and just wont go away, no matter what?
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5 responses
• United States
1 Sep 11
The one you mentioned is now in my brain. I get the same way with Almond jOy. The one that goes; sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. Oh gosh now that one too will be on my mind and maybe I might want the plain coconut too.
2 people like this
2 Sep 11
Every time I eat a nut of some kind I can hear: 'Nuts, whole hazelnuts. Caberrries' (Cadbury's) take 'em and cover them in chocolate'!
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• Canada
2 Sep 11
You two are very bad, now I have all those songs stuck in my head Yeah sometimes I feel like a nut, sometimes I dont Im trying to think of others now but im stuck on the nut lol
@Judy890 (1644)
• United States
1 Sep 11
I remember that commercial I think I was in elementary school at the time I always wanted to cut myself to get those band-aids (silly me huh?) lol I use to like the commercial chewy "chewy chewy chewy chewy" Keeps your children from talking so much
2 people like this
• Canada
2 Sep 11
Now they have those cute band-aids with little figurines on them I shouldnt say this but even at my age, I buy those for myself They're too pretty HA! Oh guess what little song I have in my mind now
@MandaLee (3759)
• United States
2 Sep 11
My bologna has a first name, its O-S-C-A-R, my bologna has a second name its M-A-Y-E-R. Oscar Mayer has a way with b-o-l-o-g-n-a!
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• Canada
6 Sep 11
Oh darn.....now Im stuck with that one . They sure know how to make catchy tunes, dont they?
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
16 Sep 11
There's this jingle for a food additive that always rings in may head. Something like "Di lang masarap, malinamnam-nam-nam-nam" (It's not only delicious, it's also very tasty) The word is just "malinamnam" so it's annoying that you go to sleep and you hear that nam-nam-nam in your mind.
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• Canada
16 Sep 11
Havent heard that one but I can understand how it can stick in your mind. Ive been off to bed stuck with such a jingle in my head and its quite annoying indeed!!
• Canada
26 Sep 11
I bet it is. Whenever I find that Im stuck with one of those awful song in my head before bed, I turn on some music or listen to a song a really like so thats what I have playing in my head when I go to sleep
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
16 Sep 11
That's because I'm halfway across the globe. It's a local commercial shown only in our country. And, yes, it is very annoying getting to sleep with something like that playing in your mind.
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14 Sep 11
another great one is the meow mix one, im pretty sure everyone is familiar with it :P
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• Canada
16 Sep 11
OMG, yeah the meow, meow, meow, meow, lol....now Im stuck with it!!