Why make money Online Need lots of Motivation ???

@rina2011 (176)
September 3, 2011 9:49am CST
"Make Money Online " these phrase create magic for some people Like Plenty of fish Owner " Markus Frind" who earned almost $10000 per day from Adsense, and other part like me who try to earn $300 per month from various online program, Always we need some motivation, when I joined a program then we always try how I reached minimum cash out, after that when we received payment from that particular site , then we achieve our goal with little money. Am I right or not Please share your opinion
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6 responses
@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
3 Sep 11
Hi It is correct that motivation is the key factor for earning on line. It is not easy to earn through on line methods, it requires lots of hard work and dedication to get the desired results.
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@rina2011 (176)
• India
3 Sep 11
I am agree with you, Lots of dedication and also Hard Work then you will achieve your goal
@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
5 Sep 11
Rina! Nice to meet you.
• Philippines
4 Sep 11
Yes! You are correct. You need a lot of motivation to earn more than what you earned last month. It is hard to earn a lot online at first, but when you know the basics, then the rest is easy. I can make $300/month on one site (but now they're changing their payment rate so I have to look for a better one). If you look in the internet, you will see a lot of legitimate websites that pays you a lot. If you are a pessimistic, you won't get that $300 a month, right? You need to motivate yourself everyday, and always tell yourself that you have a goal everyday. That's what I do, when I go to a site to earn money online, I tell myself, you need to hit this mark before you sleep, or you need to get 10$ a day for this site. Motivate yourself to earn more.
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@rina2011 (176)
• India
4 Sep 11
Thats true, You are just tell truth about earning, Inspiration, Motivation and Dedication these are main thing if you want to earn money online
@GemmaR (8517)
3 Sep 11
You do need a lot of motivation to make money online, because the fact is simply that it isn't as easy as you might think at first. When you start, you read a lot of stories about people who have made a lot of money online, and most people automatically think that they're going to be able to make the same amount of money in a similar time. In reality, it takes a long time to even be able to make a dollar per day online, let alone enough for an individual to live on and actually pay their bills with. But if you have the motivation, you should be able to succeed.
@rina2011 (176)
• India
4 Sep 11
You are right GemmaR, That is not easy to achieve , doing lot Hard Work and lots of Dedication
@kewlme (163)
• Philippines
4 Sep 11
It is really difficult to earn money online as you need to learn to do it and as much as possible avoid scammers. However I think that if you did your own research and do diligently what is needed then one can be successful. I am also trying to find ways to earn online and I am happy that I can see that there is really a future here on the internet if I do it consistently. That is what I am trying to achieve now. Good luck to both of us!
@rina2011 (176)
• India
4 Sep 11
If I concentrate in this field then we can easily found which site are genuine which are not, use your basic skill work hard ....motivate yourself
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@kewlme (163)
• Philippines
4 Sep 11
I totally agree with what you said. It is really up to a person to motivate himself in order to be successful in anything he wanted to achieve. :-)
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
4 Sep 11
For me yes because if you don't have skilled it is not good you cannot done to impressed your customer.
@rina2011 (176)
• India
4 Sep 11
Thanks a Lot for your reply, Happy MyLotting
• United States
3 Sep 11
wow your friend is very lucky to get betting that much per day, or even per month on the internet. I barely make 50 bucks per month through the internet and I spend all day online. I keep thinking that I'm coming closer to finding something that will actually be beneficial but I rarely ever do, besides a few websites like this, and this is more for fun than anything. I would love to make 300 dollars a month, congrats, hope you keep up the good work :) I'm always striving to do better.
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@rina2011 (176)
• India
4 Sep 11
Thanks a Lot for your reply, Sorry to say he is not My friend, I am telling about POF.COM owner " Markus Frind" if you search Internet then you can found lots of Information about him,