Making life harder for ourselves

@Dymo75 (340)
New Zealand
September 3, 2011 10:47pm CST
This isn't my experience, I know, but it's someone else's. He was talking about a certain poem by Winnie the Pooh, and how Pooh was going down a stairs bumping his head. He said that he was usually very busy, but if he stopped thinking about how busy he was, stopped for a moment to think, then he could probably do more in less time, making himself less busy. Have you had that sort of experience? Had stopping eever helped you move on? By the way, I know a great book, 'Pooh and the Philosophers' by John Tyerman or whatever he's called. I think you should try that.
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4 responses
@peavey (16936)
• United States
5 Sep 11
Yes, I've thought that. It makes me feel dense, but I've thought of things that I could change to make them easier and faster, after doing it the same old way for years. You'd think it wouldn't take quite so long to figure it out. Sounds like an interesting book; I'm going to take a look at it.
@Dymo75 (340)
• New Zealand
5 Sep 11
Yes. Do try it! It's a great book, and it kind of goes through the whole history of philosophy, and links them all back to Winnie-ther-Pooh. Note the 'ther'.
@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
4 Sep 11
Yes but the things I do is limited. Like when I do my work without disturbance I will do well but if I do it in a rush I would not do it well.
@Dymo75 (340)
• New Zealand
4 Sep 11
Hm... This advice is probably for people who multitask, or have multiple obligations.
@GemmaR (8517)
4 Sep 11
I think that a lot of do actually make life a lot harder for ourselves than it needs to be simply because we don't do everything that needs to be done. Procrastination is one of the things that loses people the most sleep, because the tasks that they could have done in one day are left until the next, meaning that we might be losing sleep over them for much longer than we really need to. I have a saying now "don't put off until tomorrow what you could do today" as it means that you have a lot more free time to do what you want to do without stressing over the things that you have to do.
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
4 Sep 11
in general, life is tough. that many people do so to complicate life in various ways and to become increasingly difficult and I do not know why is it. I know about this book and it really is wonderful. Let any who do not read it will read like it. Have a nice day ~
@Dymo75 (340)
• New Zealand
4 Sep 11
Yes. It is a great book. Which part did you really like? I liked the bit about that the wrong bees make the wrong honey, and how the wrong people generate wrong ideas. Anyway, life is tough, but have you stopped to think how to untough it a little bit. I personally haven't really, but I'm doing so now.