Im so Dissapointed some of PTC

@zhawee (873)
September 9, 2011 1:56am CST
When I registered they offer me 0.50cents the i sign up then im starting to click and view everyday I do that in everyday some of my Ptc. when I reach the Minimum I`m so shock they increasing they payout minimum. How can I reach the Minimum if there always increasing the payout minimum.. Here the one.... In Others Ptc, when you are nearly reach the minimum you will also shock because a half of your earning it comes to that site. How can you reach the minimum payout if they get the half of your earnings. Nothing to say this kind of strategy of this Ptc. Some Ptc site are not pay. Hoping they conscience to work for him site..
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1 response
@Gargi2010 (638)
• India
10 Sep 11
Hi friend you are right but there are too many sites which pays their members regularly and they accept members from all over the world and free to join i have more than 90 sites and all the sites are legit and pays me regularly we can share here our sites if you join in my downline and work regularly then i will also join in your donwline too from this we both can get legit referrals if you are agree then send me message Regards