Forget her or not to, that's the question!!

@rod977 (118)
September 9, 2011 12:57pm CST
Hi, beloved MyLotters. Since two years i have been in love for one girl in my class. But this is the problem. First, she already had a boyfriend. Then, her boyfriend moved so they broke up. Then, she started to like one guy of my class, and he started to like her too but they never had a relationship. Some problems between them came and they stopped liking eachother. Some time later, she started liking one guy from our church glee club. He is older than me. But he never get to know that she liked him. So.. done. Some time later, she started liking the same guy from our class again. I was frustrated. And sad. He started liking her again, but again, they never had a serious relationship and the school year ended and they were not seeing eachother as much so... done!! Now I knew by facebook that she is again with her ex-boyfriend, the one I talked at the beggining. I really love her, but she keeps disappointing me with this stuff. Do you think I should really try to forget her and move on? Or fight for one relationship between us?
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15 responses
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
10 Sep 11
My goodness she sure goes through boyfrieds quickly, doesn't she?? Have you told her how you feel or are you just standing in the sidelines waiting for her to be availavle?? At the rate she is going, she may never be free. I would approch her even if you are afraind, and ask her out and see where it goes. Maybe you haven't given her a chance to give you attnetion? Good luck and best wishes..
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@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
10 Sep 11
Does she know that you love her? Have you told her you love her? If yes, and she still keeps on 'swinging' from one guy to another, then it's time to move on and forget about her. If not, declare your love for her and see what happens. Who knows, you could be the one whom she'll be stick to.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
11 Sep 11
Well, it's clear then that she's not into you. I mean, if there was a chance, she should have shown it a long time ago. Time to move on. Find another girl who will like you back. I'm sure there somebody else out there.
@rod977 (118)
• Portugal
10 Sep 11
For you and for everyone who has be saying the same as you, this is my response. SHE ALREADY KNOWS!! I told her 2 years ago. Of course I wouldn't be sad around for her not liking me if I didn't already told her. But thanks :)
• Philippines
9 Sep 11
if i were in your situation, i think i would choose to move on. i don't want someone who will keep on disappointing me, instead of giving me inspiration. find someone better, you're still young i think. enjoy life and never. ever settle for less! always have that someone at your best!good luck to you.
@rod977 (118)
• Portugal
9 Sep 11
Thanks for the support. I know i'm young, and deep in my soul I know that I deserve better and I shouldn't feel "stuck" here. But nothing's easy. It's not easy to move on. But nothing's easy. Thanks. Have an happy Mylotting. Rod
• Philippines
20 Sep 11
yeah, i know it is easier said than done. just that you must help yourself to move on. it will be tough, but you should do it to save yourself from more pains. always remember that even the most undying love could wear out, yours too will wear out, let the time heal. good luck to you and have a happy life ahead!
@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
11 Sep 11
Well for starters, did you ever go up to her and ask her out on a date? Does she even know you exist? You have to let her know. I would start by talking to her, then I would ask her on a date. And if that goes good, go on another date, and another, and another. If she is interested in you, she will not say no.
• United States
10 Sep 11
Rod977, I think it would be best if you move on sweetie. It sounds like she is giving everyone but you a shot. You can't force anyone to love you. If she isn't even interested in giving you a shot, just forget about her and find someone who is worth your time. Don't stress over someone who isn't going to stress over you (:
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
11 Sep 11
What can I say if you think that love is serous, and while fighting for it will not fall in love with another fight. but if, after falling in love again so why fight it will all go to hell. so get my hands on a little more thought to understand whether or not it is worth. nice day!
@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
10 Sep 11
You have admitted that she knows that you love her but has never cared for your emotions means she does not want to make relations with you.And i think it is a very clear signal that you should move on in life.She is just not meant for a person like you who is thoughtful and honest in his relations.Let her taste running waters. I know you definitely deserve someone better and authentic who will definitely weigh your love and emotions for her. Do not waste your time thinking about her.You are young,try to focus on your objectives and make your life fruitful. It is just an advice from a friend.
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
10 Sep 11
From your discussion above, you sounds like only stalking her most of the time. You knew her activities, and who she been with, and who she likes. But have you ever given yourself a chance to express how you feel about her? If you said you really love her that much, why not come forward, and give yourself a chance, and tell her that you like her. If she never heard from you, she might not even notice your existence. Give it a shot. If she said "no", move on.
@tiina05 (2317)
• Philippines
10 Sep 11
hello, Okay? So, did you tried to court her and tell her how you feel about her? if you are not doing any yet why you are giving up? Hmmm maybe she just want to look for others guy that will make her happy but I think she did not find it yet that is why she keeps on looking and liking to someone. You must try to court her first before telling that you need to move on? If she disappoint you maybe you should accept who she is because she will be happy if someone will love her for who she really are.
@rbose621 (54)
10 Sep 11
hey rod , red my comment carefully as i have been through the same experience ! rod iwant u to fight back and win it ! As i know from ur article that she was with every one except u ! thats a very ugly stuff ! i dont know the reason why she was not with u ! but i know about most of the other boyz ! most of the boys are ver yshy they dont talk with the girls . and its very late when they start to do so ,another reason why the boys fail is that they dont understand the girls , girls are nothing but emotional rooms and anyone who knows how to trigger their switches can have the keys !you should know how to attract her and get her emotionally charged up ! if u want more advice then plz ask in the comment !
@huilichan8 (1378)
• Singapore
10 Sep 11
I think you should have told her that you liked her 2 yrs ago. Now that she is back with her ex-bf, I think you should just let go and move on. But if you have strong feelings for her and you are sure of your feelings for her, then maybe you might want to try confessing your love for her.
• United States
9 Sep 11
Honey, I tell you this out of compassion for your situation. If she was interested in you, she would not be disappointing you like this. Sometimes it is hard to tell someone that you only wish to be friends, because you don't want to hurt their feelings. She may just be soaking up your attention. I think you should move on. Put your time into a girl whom will appreciate you!
@vikku2001 (258)
• India
10 Sep 11
hey rod i got to know that you love her. but what actually to be happened is that you both love each other so you have to move on. we have one life but life has not one chance. don't forget her, be her friend, share your feelings to her, whatever you think about her know about her.... mean while try to be friends of other girls and boys too maybe any other will be your life savior so enjoy this life... live, love, laugh..
• Romania
10 Sep 11
Oh God ....have you ever ask her out?Way you don't ask her out , how do you know she does not like you?Maybe she does .....If her answer will be negative than yes would be the time to move on and forget about her.Good luck.
@maezee (41996)
• United States
9 Sep 11
I agree with what the first person said, it might just be time to move on in general if she still doesn't return the feeling and it's not a mutual "love"...