A Funny Thing

United States
September 9, 2011 1:22pm CST
Okay yesterday I was doing some laundry and when I was going to put the clothes from the washer to the dryer I found a dime! And I began laughing and my daughter said what is so funny? And I said I never thought I would be so happy to see ad dime!! He he he L.O.L. Then I said that is sad!! And she said what about the guy that saved a dime a day? And how much did he have at the end of his saving? I said I don't know math! duh!! l.m.a.o!!!! This is sad and funny and true! A true story in the making!! I will pick up every dime I see!!
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12 responses
• United States
9 Sep 11
every dime?? I will pick up any penny I see!! My father is famous in my family for saying that 'every penny counts'! Currently, my financial situation is no so good. But even when I when I was in a more comfortable financial position, I saved my change! It is good to teach your children to appreciate money! Even a dime! :)
• United States
9 Sep 11
I know this saying do you know this one? See a penny pick it up all day long have good luck? he he he L.O.L.
• United States
9 Sep 11
Of course! Although I may not say it aloud, the little saying will run through my mind! We used to have such fun with that as kids. The only fall back was the fear of picking up a coin with it's tails side staring up! We were convinced that if a heads-up coin carried good luck, that a tails-up coin must carry bad luck! To this day I will flip the coin onto it tails-side before I pick it up!! :):)
• United States
9 Sep 11
Hmm? Interesting now I am going to have to do thet too! L.O.L.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
10 Sep 11
I used to always check my husbands pants pockets before washing...I was always finding change in his pockets. So I put a jar by the washer.. and just kept putting the hand fulls of change I'd find...end of the month I had like $30! I did it for awhile...now he does it himself! Enjoyed it while it lasted!
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
10 Sep 11
Forgot to mention.... I always keep a dime in my laundry room and a few other places....they work great when I need a screwdriver! Just use the dime and I don't have to stop and go dig one out of a tool box!
• United States
10 Sep 11
That is a good ideal for sure!! I a, going to have to try that! Thanks!!
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
10 Sep 11
For me that's good to laugh because it's a good medicine.
• United States
10 Sep 11
I agree!
@tiffnkeat (1673)
• Singapore
10 Sep 11
If each of us who pick up a dime somewhere in the world each day pool the amount together, you may be surprised how much that might be. Well, the bible does say that if we can be trusted with little, we can also be trusted with much. If we think a dime is nothing, then how are we to appreciate much if ever we do get it? You will be surprised some people will think nothing of the dime. That. to me, is sad.
• United States
10 Sep 11
So true!!
@globaldoc (858)
• Philippines
10 Sep 11
Funny but many times small things like this can give a smile to someone's heart.
• United States
10 Sep 11
Yes I agree!!
10 Sep 11
hi:) I probably I'll be happy too when I found a penny on the laundry, hehe maybe I'll do laundry all the time if I'll always find one:D well as they say every cents counts:D
• United States
10 Sep 11
Yes every penny every dime, nickel, every coin matters!! he he he L.O.L.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
9 Sep 11
I would have been happy to find a dime, too! And I might have laughed about it, only because I know some people who would have thought I was nuts to be thrilled about finding a coin. I pick up all the coins I see anywhere they are (almost!) and I'm happy to find them.
• United States
10 Sep 11
People think I am nuts anyway!
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
10 Sep 11
I believe that ever y little bit helps and I would be the first to collect every dime because if we save them we could end up with a little stash of cash before too long. It is really true, I think, that every fortune starts with that first penny. If we started watching the small purchases and cutting them down it would probably make a big difference in the long run.
• United States
10 Sep 11
That is so true!!
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Sep 11
Pretty Funny but more exciting then anything because when i find change in the washer or dryer i get so excited because its like you are getting paid for doing the horribly house chore that no one likes to do. I try to pick up every amount of change i see on the ground because every penny counts and now a days you need to stretch the dollar as far as you can to save as much money for doing other things in life and being with family as much as possible. Every penny is so important in life and i use my change all the time when im paying with cash and when i go out of town i usually pay with cash and change because to me its easier and you know how much money you have to spend and you cant over spend because thats all the money you have to spend.
• United States
10 Sep 11
I know because I know I have used every peNny or dime that I have picked up before and the rest are being saved for a rainy day! he he he L.O.L.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
9 Sep 11
I would have picked it up, too. And felt happy, too! I bet that the one who lost it wouldn't mind. If he did mind, he would have felt his pockets before putting in his laundry. I remember some years back when I lived with my parents. I would usually ask for their soiled clothes while I did mine. Imagine the loot I'd find - bills, not just coins! When I was a lot younger, I would keep the money, but as I grew older, guilt got the better of me, so I'd return them.
• United States
10 Sep 11
L.O.L.!! I wish I could find bills and not coins but I have to say that I have found them before but mostly the highest was a $20.00 bill in teh laundry and it came at a time in need!
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
10 Sep 11
Well congrats I have very very rarely found a dime..mostly people lose or drop pennies.
@Judy890 (1644)
• United States
9 Sep 11
A dime is still money. I pick up pennies because I see them on the floors imagine collecting them you'll have a lot of money. I have 4 glass jars that I keep my change in I have one for pennies,quarters,dimes and nickels. In pennies I had 10.00 so I went to a store where you put the pennies in and got a 10.00 bill cash.
• United States
10 Sep 11
I agree! Money is money even if it is only a penny or a dime it all adds up! Too bad every time I try and save it it goes away!