What do you think the meaning of work?

@ckfree (105)
September 10, 2011 11:08am CST
Sometimes, we get confused if given the same question. I often hear people say, that the job was making him very meaningful, and can provide for his family life. Probably most of us will also answer the same thing, even including as well. What about you?
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4 responses
@MandaLee (3759)
• United States
17 Sep 11
Works helps people to contribute to society in a meaningful way.
@huilichan8 (1378)
• Singapore
10 Sep 11
Work is meaningful only if it's sth that I enjoy doing. Otherwise, it's a chore. It has no meaning if it's only sth that I do because of its monetary value (income).
@rbose621 (54)
10 Sep 11
work is said to be done when some displacement takes place in by a appllied force in its direction ..!! thats a very efficient answer !! :D
• Slovenia
10 Sep 11
Work is either paid or unpaid. Paid work is what most people associate with the term 'work'. Unpaid work is something like housework, schoolwork and charity. We usually use word work for paid actions that mean earning something to make your life easier and help you survive.