m back on mylot aftr 5years!=)

United Arab Emirates
September 13, 2011 4:18pm CST
hi people!i came back on mylot aftr 5years reason?wel it ws blocked in Dubai,UAE!and now im not in dubai and had a chance to log on again and guess wht i forgot my id and pasword took a while to think and den i sudenly remmemmberd me making a folder adding all the registeation and id in my email...and Thank god my mylot registration id ws thr =) so how r u people and wht more has changed here hmm i c new layout and good people i hv friends request which are pending since last 5years lolz whats up myloteerssss =)
6 responses
• United States
14 Sep 11
Good to hear when a member comes back after so long. There are certainly a great deal of changes, so probably best to take a look at a lot of the tabs to reacquaint yourself. This way as soon as you plunge in you will find all with ease. Welcome back and do hope some of your friends are still around as I understand there are several who are here for years.
• United Arab Emirates
14 Sep 11
thank you.
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
13 Sep 11
sunflowergirl: welcome back. You will find a lot of new people, new topics and new dimension. I am active here for the last four months and am enjoying my stay.
2 people like this
• United Arab Emirates
14 Sep 11
goood to here that you are enjoying here on mylot...and i agree new people with new topics and thank you for welcoming me!
• United Arab Emirates
15 Sep 11
It's not blocked in UAE.. I can use it from Dubai..
@allknowing (132070)
• India
14 Sep 11
Welcome back. You found your way. That's good. Yes. There are lot of changes. You might like to read through faqs and guidelines and also visit GoAskAlice's page our Admin.
• United Arab Emirates
14 Sep 11
oh thank you so much and yes i have read the faq'z hmm goask alice hmm thats new aswell i wil cheak it out aswel,thanks for the information.
@pahak627 (4558)
• Philippines
13 Sep 11
Hi sunflowergirl that was a long time. Welcome back to mylot. I'm just new here in mylot and still hoping to add more friends.
• United Arab Emirates
14 Sep 11
oh great you people are liking mylot keep your self active for some extra money...who can hate extra money:) and yes i was an old user but feeling new at the moment been a day i am back here!
@pahak627 (4558)
• Philippines
14 Sep 11
hi skibumboy i considered myself new compared to sunflowergirl, I've been on my lot for over a month already.
@Judy890 (1644)
• United States
13 Sep 11
Oh wow really 5 yrs? OMG well welcome back I register here a few weeks ago so I don't really know much.
• United Arab Emirates
14 Sep 11
yes 5years at first it seemed to me that alot has changed here but nope it is actuly the same...trust me i am still learning aswel:)