Thin Hair

@Triple0 (1904)
September 15, 2011 1:09am CST
Hey guys! I'm having a hair problem right now. My hair is quite thing and fine so it kinda falls out quite easily. Though, I've realized that my hair has become much thinner before. I usually have my hair short to medium length, right now it's up to my shoulders. Does the long length of hair make it fall out easier? I wash my hair everyday before I go to school and that makes my hair to fall out but I need to stay hygienic everyday. I've been eating my peanuts to boost up my protein to grow hair and make it more healthier. Do you guys have any tips in growing and healthy hair? I have been a little stressed by exams.
3 responses
@ritzz07 (788)
• India
17 Sep 11
hi tripleo you may use olive oil for hairfall......i was going through the same issue however i started using olive oil and my hair fall is stop now so........this is my suggession.
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
18 Sep 11
Hmmm.... Thanks, I'll go try find myself some olive oil. Actually, I have some in the pantry. Thanks!
• Philippines
15 Sep 11
They say that having a 100 falling hair in a day is ok. and its natural because it will grow again eventually and that is also the numbers that will grow everyday. Use bigger teeth comb when your hair is wet, and as much as possible avoid ponytail your hair. Avoid too much exposure in the sun. Tried using mayonnaise as substitute to hot-oil once a week it will also increase the natural oil of your hair.
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
16 Sep 11
Really? So it's normal to lose 100 strands of hair. I'm relived now because I lose a whole bunch down the drain when I wash my hair. Hair does grow back but I just wished mine grew faster! Pontytails won't be a problem for me because my hair is too short for one. Thanks for the tips!
@cow_boy29 (236)
• United States
15 Sep 11
use hazelnut oil man this can make your hair growth up and thicker tahn before i am guarantee it