Today‘ living

September 18, 2011 8:34pm CST
A long time ago ,we did not refrigerators, no plastic bags etc.But we can eat fresh fruits and vegetables,and few sick.Today,however,although we have many storage devices ,we eat few fresh food,and many disease appeared .It tell us that :social progress with negative aspects. Can you gave some other examples?
1 response
@GemmaR (8517)
19 Sep 11
I think that a lot of the reasons that more diseases are appearing is because we are not living in such a healthy way as we might have been a number of years ago. Our immune systems aren't as good, because of the fact that our diets aren't as healthy as they might have been in the past. It makes sense that if we aren't taking good care of our bodies then they're going to be more prone to things such as the common cold during the winter time. If we just started to take care of ourselves a lot more then we would find that we would all be happier and healthier.
19 Sep 11
Thank for your suggestion!Maybe you are right.However,when we face the social problem,the stress of live and the poor environment,just only taking care of ourselves can't solve the problem.What we can do is keep a positive heart ,and do something we think right.