Hangreaves blame MU

@adhyz82 (36249)
September 23, 2011 4:58am CST
hangreaves blame MU for misstreating him when he is still in Old traford... After good debut in city, he said MU had wrong doings for him... Hangreaves had spent 4 years when he is sold from Munchen...but in MU, he is only playing 39 matches because always get injured... His carreer is rumoured ended because MU decide not to renew his contract..But City saved his career and take him free from MU... And he make Mancini smile because score in his debut... what do you think about Hangreaves statement?? do you believe he can be back like when he is still playing in Munchen??
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6 responses
@rappeter13 (8608)
• Romania
23 Sep 11
Hargreaves's injury problems started when he still played at Bayern. He was one of my favorite players, but after he had his terrible injury he could never come back strongly, despite Bayern having a well known doctor, who treats many great sportsmen, Usain Bolt included here. I don't know what United's doctors have done, but I guess Owen Hargreaves knows better what happened. If he will be free of injuries, he will be a real asset to City.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
24 Sep 11
really?? i never heard about his injuries in bayern.. i know his injury problems when he is in mU... and i don`t think that Ferguson want to buy injured player...
• Romania
24 Sep 11
Yes, he had injury problems at Bayern also. Now I don't remember anymore if he was injured when he signed for United, but maybe he was. But after having a heavier injury in 2004 he couldn't recover to full fitness anymore.
• Indonesia
4 Oct 11
Sometimes i still don't believe when media quotes some player's statement. Maybe Hargreaves just say one or two words about his condition in MU, then media started to twist it and make it sounds like he complaints all things MU had done with him. If i'm not mistaken, he himself once asking MU management to make his contract paid per performance, since he's often got injuries. So I don't believe he would say such a harsh thing. About his performance, well, it's worth to see as this season will complete, after that, we might have a better prediction if Hargreaves can back to his performance.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
4 Oct 11
really? so do you think some of the news is not right??
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
23 Sep 11
Actually he only has himself to blame. Given his injury woes it was clear that he needed to play for a team that did not play as many matches as Man U generally does. But he chose to play for Man U and sir Alex after three false starts when he failed to last one half each in three matches, decided not to risk him any further. You cannot blame Sir Alex as Man U was competing for all the titles. Cheers! Ram
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
24 Sep 11
so with whom hangreaves must blame?? blame himself??it`s ridiculous..
@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
24 Sep 11
How can man united be mistreating him when he's so injury prone? Out of the 4 years he's been there, he's hardly played one full match, lasting 90mins. HE can be fit and playing regularly in germany with munchen because the game there is not as fast like EPL. NOw that he's with man city, i would like to see how long he's able to last before he gets injuried again. He should consider himself lucky because for the period he's injuried, man united is still paying his salary.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
24 Sep 11
thats why make big question for me.. why MU want to buy an injured player like hangreavas??
• Malaysia
25 Sep 11
@adhyz82: I don't think Ferguson bought Hargreaves with injuries. Hargreaves even played in Champions League final in Moscow, and taking the penalty for the champions as well.
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@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
27 Sep 11
so my simple question, why he must blame MU medis staff??
@livecenter (1136)
• Malaysia
25 Sep 11
@adhyz82: I believe that Hargreaves should not make that statement after all. After all those years in Manchester United, he should at least respect what the club has done for him. Nevertheless, the doctors have done their best for him, and as Ferguson said if the doctors were not 'that' good United cannot be as successful as it is now. So I believe they have done their best for him. Perhaps he can just stay there at Manchester City and see if the doctors there can do something for him, rather than keeping his mouth busy complaining about his former team. That is surely not good for his reputation if he does come back to visit Old Trafford one day!
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
27 Sep 11
if he is really profesionalism and know the meaning of thanksful, he should not do like that
23 Sep 11
Hangreaves score a goal for city, that must be blame united maybe he can back like in muncen but maybe only in this year beacause he's 30 y.o now
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
24 Sep 11
whats the influence age and the performance in field??