What Do You Think of the University of Phoenix?

@mamasaid (156)
United States
September 28, 2011 12:42pm CST
I am looking around to go back to school. After doing some research, I decided attending class online would be most convenient. One of my friends recommended the University of Phoenix. She is taking an online class and really enjoys it. I am not sure if the University of Phoenix is a good choice. I often see their ads online and wonder about their reputation. Has anyone attended the University of Phoenix online? What do you think of the program? I am wondering what the perception of the school is and whether prospective employers would be impressed or think I took an "easy route." There are other options and the University of Phoenix seems a bit expensive. Did anyone have success getting financial aid to attend their classes? I appreciate any input you have as I try to make a decision.
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5 responses
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
28 Sep 11
I have heard of the University and have a couple of friends who studied through their online programs. They both loved it as they were able to continue full time jobs and get their degrees. They did mention it was more expensive than going to campus but for them it worked. I don't really know about it's standing but I think my girlfriends said they had a good reputation and were credible. Good luck to you..
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@mamasaid (156)
• United States
28 Sep 11
My friend also works full-time and it fit into her schedule perfectly. She works for a major personnel agency and claimed they are credible, so I think it might be a wise move for me right now. Thanks for your response!
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@GavinKaos (272)
• United States
29 Oct 11
I am currently attending University of Phoenix. I am working toward an associates in IT with a concentration of Web design. It is a tad bit expensive but I have student loans, and my work is paying for part of it. I am currently also trying to get scholarships. I have only finished 2 classes so far, but the they were pretty good. I'm working on my second set of classes, they are challenging and I'm enjoying them tremendously. It does depend on which teacher you have though. I've been lucky on having good teachers. I have had a few friends who have graduated and have gotten great jobs. I have tried a few other colleges but this has been by far the best. I work full time, have a part time, and do school the rest of the time. I like how it fits into my schedule. I can work it around all my jobs and other responsibilities.
• United States
30 Oct 11
Well when you sign up, let me know and I can friend you. What degree are you interested in obtaining?
@mamasaid (156)
• United States
30 Oct 11
Thank you, that's exactly what I'm looking for. I haven't gotten back to the adviser yet but now I will. Good luck with your studies!
@dfollin (25085)
• United States
28 Sep 11
I have not taken classes at the university of Phoenix yet.But,am planning to.I have started the enrollment process.I was informed by people that they know people and/or related to people that have graduated or are taking classes at this university and they have nothing negative to say about them.Matter of fact when I was in my bank speaking to one of the administrative staff and I mentioned that I was getting ready to return to school,the first thing out of his mouth was"The University of Phoenix?" And when I replied in the positive,he smiled and told me that is a great school!I have been told that it is fairly easy to get scholarships and student loans for that school. Good luck to you.
@mamasaid (156)
• United States
28 Sep 11
I recently started the enrollment process myself. I like the idea of scholarships and loans, that's how I paid for my first two years of college. Financial aid would be great to. Best of luck to you!
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@dfollin (25085)
• United States
29 Sep 11
Good Luck to you! I am going for a Bachelors degree in english and then add some american history and brush up on my french.I am excited about it.
@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
22 May 12
LOL That's what I think of it. It's a joke. No one takes a degree from them seriously. They aren't accredited. They take your money and give you a worthless piece of paper with a fake degree on it. If I had a prospective employee with a degree from there, I would either think he's a fool or a lazy person or both. I would not hire him under any circumstance. I would prefer a person with a GED over an idiot who thinks they can fool me with An University of Phoenix degree. I'd take someone who didn't even graduate from high school over someone with that joke degree.
• United States
17 May 12
It is a horrible school and they will rip you off. My brother was taking a course and was accused of Plaigerizing a paper. Of course he did not and when he filed a petition to fight it the school magiaclly lost all the paperwork and said that my brother never filed. My brother kept every email and every letter he mailed to the university (he spent more money to have it sent certified receiipt required). They dropped my brother from his other courses and then turned around and sent him to collections. My brother never received his financial aid money from the school anc kept on saying that my brother never turned in the paperwork (another lie). Most employers will not accept University of Phoenix as a college degree. I am at Walden University and am very happy. It costs less and have no issues at all. My brother will be attending there and Randy is already there. Do not waste your time at phoenix.