A family conversation everyday keeps the family relationship tighter everyday

September 28, 2011 9:02pm CST
Most parents nowadays have their full time in their jobs and the rest of the time of course will be their chance to rest. The tendencies are they lack time for their children, marriage, and themselves. Causing some family problems that occur especially to their children who is in lack of guidance and attention from their parents. Therefore it is very important for the family to at least have a day off or a dinner everyday, a time to bond and share each others thoughts and problems. In this way children will not have a hard time to communicate with their parents. As well as for married couples for them to have a strong and a beautiful relationship. :)
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4 responses
29 Sep 11
When i was growing up, we had a rule in our family that we all had too sit down at the dinner table and have tea all together wether or not you where busy you had to sit down for ta and it was good in a way as you got into disscution`s of what you had done that day and you connected with your parnet`s and brother`s, sister`s I think that a family unit has changed over the years due to mom`s going out to work and the life style`s of the children... it`s a shame they don`t make time just to stop as a family and have a chat. Was this the case for any body when they where growing up?
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
29 Sep 11
Yes a family conversation makes the relationship closer. We do that at home. We never allow a day to pass without us having a family conversation. We do that during dinner time when we are all together in the table. While eating we enjoy sharing our experiences and thoughts for the day. But I know some family who don't even gather that way. To each his own is their style and I think this is not good. A family should enjoy being a family and if they don't find time for conversation, I don't think they will ever enjoy being part of that family.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
29 Sep 11
being able to talk to family members, i think that is really a blessing. especially if you are in times of being in trouble, when something is bothering you. i wish when i have my family, i want to be able to have a family like that... a family that can talk about anything at all.
@varier (5685)
• Indonesia
29 Sep 11
I am agree with you . Too bad, there're still much people who think that a lot of money is important to keep family happy, so they are overdoing the works.. Well, money is important, but love is more important! Love from father and mother is totally different with love from teachers or any other else. And for great marriage, we have to be care each other with our partner. Don't forget to use some of our time for our family. It is really important!