Gene Simmons and Shannon Tweed Tie The Knot

@mamasaid (156)
United States
October 2, 2011 2:45pm CST
After all those years together, Gene Simmons of KISS and Shannon Tweed finally decided to tie the knot. Appearing in reality television, having two kids and spending 28 years together should be enough to base a marriage on, right? Apparently not. It seems Gene Simmons still isn't promising to be faithful to Shannon Tweed. I wonder why she would accept this arrangement or if she thinks she can change him by getting married. It's an age-old mistake made by many. An unfaithful partner who is reluctant to commit typically stays that way, causing further heartbreak after marriage. What do you think? Should Shannon have gone through with it under the circumstances? Will Gene be faithful now that he made the "big" commitment? I tend to think a leopard's spots don't change...
3 responses
• United States
2 Oct 11
I don't know if Gene can ever be faithful. That mindset doesn't change over night. He doesn't see anything wrong with it so it would be very hard for him to stop forever even if he stops for a while. However, he is no spring chicken so who knows. I hope so for Shannon's sake. She deserves better than that, however she hasn't tried to do better. I guess cause she loves him. I do know that he loves her too, I've known that for years even before this reality show started. But I don't know if he can truly change.
@mamasaid (156)
• United States
2 Oct 11
I also wonder if he can ever be faithful. I think Shannon deserves better than being cheated on. They do seem to love each other, which should mean loyalty and trust. Maybe marriage will help him to finally grow up and realize Shannon is "the one."
• United States
3 Oct 11
Twitter must be blowing up with this conversation because Shannon just tweeted about saying something nice or not saying anything at all. I hope they well be happy for another 28 years.
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
3 Oct 11
That is just craziness but at least with the marriage she is more protected.
@mamasaid (156)
• United States
3 Oct 11
Excellent thought! Indeed you are right - she is more protected in a marriage situation and he stands to lose plenty if he does cheat. Very wise!
@Amfyre (512)
• Canada
3 Oct 11
If I remember correctly, on a live interview he once bragged about sleeping with 3000 women...which is like "eeewwwww", he's also ugly as all get out! But remeber he is also Gene Simmons from Kiss, this is *STATUS* and *MOOLAH* it's life style VS. cheater