Did You Ever Try Land O' Lakes Cinnamon Sugar Butter?

@mamasaid (156)
United States
October 4, 2011 7:55am CST
I love cinnamon bread and recently decided to try something new - Land O' Lakes Cinnamon Sugar Butter. It is delicious on toasted cinnamon bread! It also tastes great on toast or bagels. Last night, I tried something new. I melted the cinnamon sugar butter over carrots. My family loved it! They kept asking what I did to make the carrots so tasty. I finally admitted I drizzled cinnamon sugar butter over them while cooking. They insisted I do it again! Did you ever try Land O'Lake Cinnamon Sugar Butter? It spreads easily, right from the refrigerator. Now it's a must-have item at our house!
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2 responses
• United States
4 Oct 11
Wow, this sounds great!! I love putting cinnamon sugar on my toast sometimes. I would love to have cinnamon bread and bagels but they always have raisins in them and I absolutely hate raisins. This butter sounds like it would be really good!! I definitely will have to try it.
@mamasaid (156)
• United States
4 Oct 11
It is really delicious, I was surprised. I also tried their honey butter, which is out of this world. I totally HATE raisins in my cinnamon bread - did you know Pepperidge Farm makes a cinnamon bread WITHOUT the yucky raisins -costs more than the store brand but well worth it. The slices are thinner so it goes just as far and it's only 80 calories per slice!
• United States
5 Oct 11
Oh wow! I never knew they made it without raisins! Next time I'm at the store I'll definitely have to try both of them out!
@shaggin (71823)
• United States
4 Oct 11
That really does sound delicious. I think it would taste great on regular white bread toasted as well or even on whole wheat bread for people who like that. It would be so good on cinnamon raisin bread. There are a lot of breads it would taste yummy on. Would be delicious on top of pancakes as well. I havent tried it. I have never even seen it. I will be looking at the store though now to see how much it is.
@mamasaid (156)
• United States
4 Oct 11
Mmm, I didn't think of using it on pancakes. That is definitely the next thing I will try!