Are You a Lip Gloss Addict?

@mamasaid (156)
United States
October 5, 2011 7:51am CST
I never imagined myself as a lip gloss addict until I watched Dr. Oz the other day. He talked to women about their lip gloss use. Apparently, you are an addict if you apply it more than four times a day. He also knew lip gloss addicts never leave home without the stuff. After eating or kissing, it is immediately reapplied. Although I don't like to admit it, I am an addict. I never leave home without wearing lip gloss and tucking it into my handbag or pocket. I even have a little Burt's Bees tinted lip balm in my wallet, in case I forget to grab gloss. I apply it several times daily. I tried to break the habit but wound up with chapped lips in just two days. Dr. Oz recommended coconut oil but it just didn't seem to do the trick. I don't like petroleum jelly as it leaves a nasty film inside your lips. Now I am back to my addictive lip gloss habits. Are you a lip gloss addict?
6 responses
@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
5 Oct 11
It Depends if I'm the one causing it to be reapplied!
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
5 Oct 11
Just doing my Job,Ma'am!
@mamasaid (156)
• United States
5 Oct 11
I needed a laugh for the day!
@Tina30219 (81559)
• Onaway, Michigan
5 Oct 11
Yes I love lip glosses I can't live without them I put them on quite a bit.
@mamasaid (156)
• United States
5 Oct 11
Good to hear from a fellow lip gloss addict! I can't help my addiction and it keeps my lips soft and attractive :)
@Tina30219 (81559)
• Onaway, Michigan
5 Oct 11
I love the way lip gloss makes my lips look as well.
@Angelee_27 (3460)
• United States
5 Oct 11
I am not a lip gloss addict. I rarely wear any make up. However, when I do, I make sure to bring whatever I applied with me when going out just in case I need to reapply. I don't think there is necessarily anything wrong with being a lip gloss addict. I believe there is nothing wrong with being addicted to something, so long as it is not harming you or anyone else. As far as I know, lip gloss isn't harmful in anyway.
• United States
5 Oct 11
I see absolutely nothing wrong with it, especially if it is keeping your lips from getting chapped! Chapped lips can be very painful. It seems like being a lip gloss addict is doing you good, rather than harm.
@Amfyre (512)
• Canada
5 Oct 11
lol I am so busted. I carry a lip gloss where ever I go. I normally have 3 or 4 on the go at the same time. I think I have one laying around in just about every room. I put quite a bit on since it soaks in a bit and like the way it feels glossy on my lips. I wear I neutral color so it brings out my natural color of my lips. I have had friends actually give me a kiss to steal my lip gloss so they too can have some since I refuse to share it. I know surprising and shocking!
@mamasaid (156)
• United States
5 Oct 11
Okay, now I can really come out of the closet. I also carry more than one at any given time and have one in almost every room. (Gosh, it feels soooo good to come clean ;) I refuse to share mine either, by application or kissing (though some have tried!) I prefer a neutral color, too! It brings out the natural lip color and never looks fake or obvious. Ah, a true fellow lip gloss addict...
• Netherlands
5 Oct 11
I don't use lip gloss on a daily basis but I sometimes do use it. I don't know why girls like it so much - I think it's pretty but it's not worth the trouble to apply it four times a day. And some girls just use to damn much.
@mamasaid (156)
• United States
5 Oct 11
My lips and skin chap quickly so I am always slathering something on. But I agree, some girls use too much - it makes their lips look big, greasy and glowing, yuk. I just slick on a little bit.
• United States
16 May 12
I'm not an addict to lip gloss, I only use it on formal occasions. I use lip balm versus gloss if my lips are dry as well.