can milk be bad for u?

@cormiera (278)
United States
October 7, 2011 6:42pm CST
some one told me one time that too much milk isnt good for you and i looove milk and i used to drink almost a half a gallon a day and idk it was interesting to me because i always though it was suposed to help ur bones etc and i always though it was working because i have never broken a bone and my teeth are stronger than ever so idk
1 response
• New Zealand
7 Oct 11
Depends what sort you are drinking If it's full fat then that isn't good for you if you drink a lot Have a look at the NIPs panel - Nutritional Information Panel - could be called something else where you are - and multiply the information on that by the number of servings you are having a day Then you'll know how much of everything you're taking in
@cormiera (278)
• United States
7 Oct 11
yea i did i used to drink the whole milk then i went to 2% cuz it is healthier but i have cut back alot so idk im def not made outta glass hehe