A Music Story

@Greninee (369)
October 11, 2011 4:05am CST
When I was still studying, I used to listen to songs from my mp3 using a headset. I was alone that time in our boarding house. When I'm about to sleep, I decrease the volume. Suddenly, I hear a sound like someone's crying. As I get up from my bed, I turned my mp3 off thinking it could be the song. But the cry was still there! I am not telling you a lie. I experienced this. I can't forget this experience. What I've done was I prayed so loud with my sweats making me already wet. My mp3 turned on without me even touching it... then I heard a song which I couldn't understand the lyrics! It's maybe because I was afraid that time. I never expected that to happen to me. The song is soft and relaxing to hear. But I prayed so loud and even louder! With this, I couldn't imagine how I fell asleep. When I woke up, it was already morning! I look for my mp3 but I couldn't find it. I tried to look it somewhere all over my room and ask my boardmates but still I can't find it until now.They don't even believe me. I left that boarding house. Since then, I never experienced that again. So, what do you think had happened to me?
1 response
• Philippines
11 Oct 11
I had the same story but the difference is instead of voice, it was a bark of the dog. Everytime I play a song, the bark can be heard and when I stop it, the songs's stop too!!! I know the voices of my dogs whenever they bark. So, it means it's an unfamiliar bark of a certain dog. I don't know where it came from. So far, I haven't heard anything. And I am hoping it will never happened again.
• United States
11 Oct 11
Did it stop when you stopped the music? maybe your mind was sending you subliminal messages......O.o
@Greninee (369)
• Philippines
12 Oct 11
No,the crying was still there when I stopped the music.I really do not understand wwhat had happened to me. Anyway thanks guys for responding. I appreciate it.Mwahhh! take care;-)