My left eye is stroger than my right eye?

October 15, 2011 3:16am CST
I don't know why this happen. My left eye has a power of 20, while my right eye is 150. It is kinda weird because I use both eye to see. I can't watch 3D movies in cinema.
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5 responses
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
15 Oct 11
This is actually very common, though most people don't notice it until they actually test it. Nearly everyone has one eye more dominant than the other and, usually, right handed people have a 'strong' left eye and vice versa. Anyone can test which is their strong eye (the eye which is used more than the other) by holding up a finger at arm's length (with both eyes open) and aligning it with a distant object. Now, keeping your finger in the same position, 'wink' each eye in turn (close one eye, then the other, in succession). You will notice that, for one eye your finger will appear to stay over the object and for the other it will appear to jump. The eye for which the finger appears to stay in the same place is the dominant eye. Although you may be using both eyes to judge distances, one eye will be the dominant one (and usually the stronger). I had an aunt who was actually completely blind in one eye and she never noticed it until she was fourteen!
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
15 Oct 11
People who have one very weak eye often find it uncomfortable to watch 3D movies because the eyes are effectively being forced to see each slightly different picture from a specific viewpoint, which is not the way that our eyes behave naturally. Normally, our eyes are constantly scanning a scene, often with the head moving as well, so we can actually learn to judge relative distances with only one good eye. When we view a 3D movie or picture, each eye receives a specific image and, of course, only the good eye will see the picture clearly. The other eye will either not work at all or it will confuse the view by not seeing as clearly as the other and it may make viewing difficult, impossible or even uncomfortable.
@tiina05 (2317)
• Philippines
15 Oct 11
hello, I really dont have an idea to it as well but as what you discuss. Thank you because now I understand what is more stronger eye to mine. Well, it is also happening to me but I did not used to noticed it.
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
15 Oct 11
Hi tiina05. Most people do not notice it at all until they either try to view a 3D stereoscopic image or they go for an eye test. Usually they find that one eye is just a little 'lazier' than the other and that they can see perfectly well with both eyes but sometimes the 'lazy' eye gets progressively worse because the brain relies more and more on the other eye and ignores signals from the lazy eye. In children, this is sometimes corrected by 'patching' (wearing a temporary patch over the 'good' eye so that the brain is forced to use the weaker one). In adults, however, this is usually not so effective but you can try it if you are worried that one eye may be getting weaker. As I say, most people don't realise that their eyes are nearly always different and that it is quite normal to have one eye stronger and more dominant than the other.
@fantabulus (4000)
• India
15 Oct 11
Heloooo ten what is this my left eyes power 20 and right eyes power 150 how do you know this. Tell me I also want to check because my both eyes are very strong. because fanta not interested in 3D movies.
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
15 Oct 11
Test your eyes as I describe above. You will find that there is one eye which is dominant, even though you may be able to see perfectly with each. An optician can test each eye individually. The number is related to the distance a 'normal' eye can perceive an object based on a distance of 20 feet (or metres). 20/20 vision (often quoted as just '20') represents a 'normal' eye. 150 means that, at 20 feet, the object is as clear to that eye as it would be to a 'normal' eye if it were 150 feet away. Such a big difference between the two eyes means that one eye is almost clinically 'blind'.
• India
15 Oct 11
@owlwings thats really true. when testing people who generally come for an eye check up to the optician usualy one eye will be 6/6 while the other will be 5/6 which is still not so bad for any specific treatment.
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
16 Oct 11
It do happens. My eyes don't have same grade of vision. my right is sight is poorer than the left one. So I am wearing an eyeglass with different vision. Have a good day
@siliguri (4241)
• India
15 Oct 11
This is normal to have one eye is stronger then other.Every person have a dominant eye which vision is better than other. There is no need to worry
• India
15 Oct 11
Its usually pretty common for people to have this. I myself my right eye is weaker than my left eye and it does hamper and if we don't take proper good care it can lead to squinting of eye and other complications too.