Have you watch a turtle laying her eggs in the sand,then cover and leave it?

October 19, 2011 12:05am CST
It is just a coincidental time,that I encounter a huge turle coming in my direction where I rest in my tent that I have watch how it lays out her eggs in a whole she dig out from the sand,then cover it again with some sand,and just go away to the sea.It is really amazing how they increase their population in a very natural way.I did not tell anyone what I have just discovered to safeguard the turtle eggs so it can hatch to the right time.
1 response
@azis74 (228)
• Indonesia
19 Oct 11
I never seen turtle laying eggs. surely it would be a pleasant experience. Turtle that spawn very rarely encountered especially in nature. unfortunately there are some people that can see this actually done something not good. They steal the eggs.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
20 Oct 11
You are right there my friend that is why I did not tell anybody what I had just witness ,when we are still in the beach.When we are in the middle of the road with our vehicle in the move,that is when I mention that I saw the turtle laying her eggs. The others were angry with me that I did not let them see a newly layed eggs of the turtle--I just said to them that I do not wanted them to touch the eggs because it was very soft and delicate,that is why I just leave it there untouch so it could become another bunch of turtles someday.