Uses of Solar Energy.

By Arya
@arya007 (306)
Tirupathi, India
October 29, 2011 6:23am CST
Solar energy became the part and parcel of the human life.In some countries there are using the solar energy for running rails and for lighting. Recently it had been used to run train in Belgium.There was a railway line passing through paris to Amstredam passing through yantiwerp in runs through a very deep forest where only solar energy is used to move the vehicles.That way solar energy is use do move the vehicles in the day time. thank you.
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14 responses
• Philippines
29 Oct 11
My girlfriend works in a manufacturing company producing solar panels here in the Philippines. The thing is, they export it for other countries to use. I just hope that Philippine government start to realize that we should slowly convert our country from an electric energy consumers to solar energy consumers. We have to use every resource we have wisely. Imagine how much our world would economize if all of us uses solar panels.
@airkulet (2700)
• Philippines
29 Oct 11
Yes imagine that our bill will be save a half of its total
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• Philippines
29 Oct 11
You've got a very good information.Solar energy is so promising.I haven't use solar energy except a solar powered calculator.It's really a good thing if we'll be using solar energy for electricity and for running cars too.I've heard that our government is distributing solar panels for remote areas as a source of electricity but I don't know if it's materialize.If cars can run on solar energy that would be a good advancement, so air pollution will be reduced.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
15 Apr 12
I also think if people use solar energy more there will be lot of energy or electricity that will be available in our places. I think people who can afford should buy the solar system for their home.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
31 Oct 11
We use solar energy for almost everything in austrlia.This is especiaaly where we get lots of sun. I worked for a solar energy comapnty this year for 7 months. We use solar energy for lighting, hot water, stand alone systems and some farms are solar. Exporters. Households can sell their excess energy to the electricty companies to put in the national grid.
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@zralte (4178)
• India
29 Oct 11
Wow!!! That is great news!!! I haven't heard of that. My husband and I are very much interested in Solar energy. We have been reading a lot about it too. Scientists reckon that the cost will come down in a few years time, that is the cost of installing solar panel and cells. At the moment, it is too costly for us to even think about it. I would love to have it once the price becomes affordable for us.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
5 Mar 12
The cost of solar energy is high and that is one of the reason I think most people does not use solar system. Some day I hope the cost will come down so that everyone can save energy and also use solar power for using lights and fans. It would be nice for different industries to use solar system.
@airkulet (2700)
• Philippines
29 Oct 11
If only solar power equipment can be afford by ordinary people like me I'll have it. Yes we can save energy and save earth also but investing on it are far from reality plus the fact that it need also some maintenance for it to lasts.
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• India
29 Oct 11
the discussion title is not appropriate.. it could have been benefits rather than uses. it is free inexhaustable unconventional will be supplied over a very long period of time
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
29 Jan 12
I had read lot about solar energy and is trying to learn more about the solar energy, but the problem is the cost. I hope there would be some subsidies and some less cost for the solar lights and solar home system so that everyone is able to buy solar system and use it in the home. I think it is good think to use solar energy in the vehicles because this will help to save energy and bring the cost of the energy.
@youless (112462)
• Guangzhou, China
30 Oct 11
In fact solar energy is very clean and environmental. I don't understand why the governments don't take advantage of it. It is safer. If the governments use it, then at least the pollution will be less. And in the long term the cost is low. I love Cnina
• Pamplona, Spain
27 Apr 12
Hiya arya, In this part of the Country there are quite a few Fields full of Solar Panels. Personally I would prefer flowers instead but I suppose they need to be there. The sad thing is that People have invested real money in those Solar Panels and now it has been decided that they will not get paid what they were supposed to get paid at the start of the scheme. They are offering them really low pay rates for what they have invested so really they might as well have planted wheat again or potatoes because it would give them more money. I feel for the People who have invested such money only to be taken for a ride when we are supposed to be advancing in energy plans they have gone all the way back again on many things that had been planned to use green (ecological) energy instead. Have not heard of the other Solar Schemes that are around but they certainly do sound very interesting. Perhaps in the future they will pick up where they left off and really put their minds to do things right the next time round. It would certainly benefit most of us I would say. xxx
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
30 Oct 11
Solar energy is the best alternative to the continuing high cost of producing energy. But at present I think only few can afford this free energy because of the high cost of solar panels to make use of the Sun's energy. I just hope that someday the cost of having one decreases so that every family can install one on their own homes.
• Philippines
5 Apr 12
Solar energy is useful in that the farther regions receive electricity and the poor households can benefit from it. There is a new technology that is on the works that is known as biosolar cells and this is to cost cheaper I guess. If this invention is finalized many people would be helped.
@rameshchow (4426)
• India
29 Oct 11
Really it is a great thought that "usage of solar power" instead of normal power. You have shared a good thought here, i think in the future this solar concept will be more and more popular. In some of our Indian village also it is in process.
@alberello (4752)
• Italy
29 Oct 11
Solar energy would be an inexhaustible source of energy, economic, and nothing expensive. I speak to you because I studied a course in solar panels, but in a few words at least here in Italy it seems that the situation of this new source of energy is at a standstill. It's a pity, thinks that air pollution, at least it would be reduced to zero, but unfortunately not want to invest no one above, except a few (very few businessmen, unfortunately!). Hopefully in the near future will invest more in this field.
• Philippines
30 Oct 11
Yes, this is the direction of technology today. The usage of alternative energies and improving the efficiency of such technologies towards an environment friendly energy source. The solar industry is on watch now, especially when the world is moving into a greener source of energy. Even in my company, we are investigating and researching on how to contribute to the solar energy industry. The only drawback is that the technology used for harnessing solar energy is very expensive, that is why thorough researches are being conducted. But really, there are a lot of benefits that can be derived from using solar energy. That story you shared about the train being powered by solar energy alone can be a nice start to rev up the use of solar energy. More support for the usage of alternative sources of energy!