Are you agree with me? Love can only spoil the life

October 30, 2011 7:48am CST
I heard or read daily 4 to 5 news in the news paper or watch on the TV some time girl suicide because she fail in the love, her boyfriend denied her for marry, boyfriend likes other girl any reason and on other side boy also commit suicide because his girl friend denied his love or parents denied his love story any reason. I conclude from all cases 90% love cases are not succeed and only spoil or destroy the life of girl or boy and family members also. So please tell me how can protect this suicide cases which is happening due to love. My good mylotter young friends please dont fall in love now true love is not exist. Only 5% boy or girls are good and they know the true meaning of love and settled their life on the basis of fall in love to each other. What you think new generation love is only attraction and spoil the life share your view.
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18 responses
• Philippines
30 Oct 11
hi surekha, Like what the song said Too Much Love Can Kill You but I can't see the point of taking your own lives because someone declined you. We can only live once and life is too short to be wasted. Happy mylotting
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
30 Oct 11
Too Much Love Can Kill You.... Oh...bhaby, I will NEVER kill the one I LOVE SOOOO MUCHHH!!!
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• India
30 Oct 11
You are right friend life is short dont waste in fall in love lots of achievement is necessary in life why new generations are always ready to spoil their life.
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• Philippines
30 Oct 11
@ jai, yes you will not maybe those person who is in love with you will kill the other person who loves you too
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@Mashnn (4501)
30 Oct 11
That is true. There are so many pretenders out there. Those who go to certain crazy extend to get what they want then they disapper without trace. It is hard to find true love nowadays.
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• India
30 Oct 11
Yes friend now man or boy is very cruel why they wants a girl if they want they should get married. Why they spoil the life of innocent girls. True love is not exist.
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@sanju9t (146)
• India
30 Oct 11
Dear Surekha, Love is very good feeling which can be for anyone either for girl or boy or small child, or any relative. but this becomes dangerous when love become madness for anyone. normally when girl or boy like any gal/boy this is not love but initially its attraction. you said boy can spoil life of girl but it is also happens in real life that a girl can spoil life of a boy.
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@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
30 Oct 11
True love does exist it just hard to find it.(^^) I agree with Sanju that love can be a good and dangerous thing.We must always keep ourselves sane in any condition including in love aspect.
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30 Oct 11
First off, true love does exist (I know: I have it!). The problem isn't love itself; it's the pressure people put on love to be a certain way - to match their fantasy or romantic ideal - that's the problem. Everyone's seen so many Disney films and romantic comedies that they expect real life to be like that... and it isn't. There's simply too much pressure for everything to be perfect and it's too easy to walk away when things don't measure up to the impossibly-high standards people expect. My lady and I have been through some really rough times but we don't give up. We compromise, we talk, we support each other, we work things out and we keep laughing - THAT is love. Why do you think the marriage vows have always included "for better or worse, richer or poorer"?
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31 Oct 11
What can I say? I daren't even imagine losing my lady. Life without her would just be so... empty. I've known her for almost 20 years now, though we've only been together for seven of those years. It's just like you say: for better or worse (even though we're not actually married yet). The great thing about real love is that the worse is pretty much like everyone else's better! Sorry you've lost your love for the moment. You'll see him again and I'll bet he'll be waiting with flowers!
• India
31 Oct 11
hi spikethelobster, you shared great words.
@rameshchow (4426)
• India
30 Oct 11
Love can not say "do bad to your loved one". love can share the love only. Love gives sacrifice. Love is a great word, It is universal. We are not use that great word, for these evil guys those who are killing the innocent girls with the name of love. We have strong women political leadership in our country in the world. Even though, we have no strong rules on this type of incidents.
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• India
30 Oct 11
"winning a girl heart is so sensitive one". some idiots has to know this. They try in rude and terrible ways to get her love.
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• United States
30 Oct 11
I don't think it is the love but perhaps the misconception of being in love with perhaps the wrong person. Love is a beautiful part of love and I live in love with someone so I can't say it has spoiled my life, in fac it enhanced my life. So perhaps in this and similar cases it is that they are in love and or think they are in love with the wrong type of person. Some at times ae not even in love with the actual person but more with the concept of wanting to love and or be in loved that they opt for the complete wrong person.
@siri26 (331)
• India
31 Oct 11
Ya i agree with you bahbijii :-) But now a days many are ding because of lust , infatuation and immature mind but not because of love. they think that that's love but that is not love. Real love never spoil the lives.
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• India
2 Nov 11
Now real love is not exist only boys and girls believe on time pass to each other. But I cant understand why young men need this type of thinking why they not pay attention on study to making the career.
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@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
30 Oct 11
Well from the cases you stated above, i do not think those are love at all..or true love that is. Because as far as i know true love means knowing how to let go and knowing how to move on..and knowing how to accept no matter how much it hurts..:) For me love does not spoil.. f its real love, you will know how to endure the pain and get through the pain.
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@mods196621 (3652)
• Philippines
31 Oct 11
Now i think i need to believe in you when it comes to love or being inlove. I feel this way but it makes me hurt until now. I know i will be hurt someday but i am not prepared when break up was happened. There is no true love exists in this earth except the Lord that gave us life and true love for us. But boys...????? i dont think so. The same as girls too in today's generation. You said its only 5 percent only knows love.. How big is the difference..
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@nicanorr (1789)
• Philippines
9 Dec 11
I beg to disagree with you aurekharathi that love can only spoil life. On the contrary, it is a wonderful thing that God has created for us humans to enjoy. God designed love to perfectly suit man's needs. He made it sweet and lovely so that we can savor love's nectar. He made love adorable so that in the procreation process man can fully enjoy his stay on earth through his offsprings. He made love a uniting factors so that lovers though separated by distance, seas, mountains race, creed, etc can fall in love with each other. Love is the rationale why we're here on earth IT IS MAN'S WRONGDOINGS THAT MAKE LOVE SOUR AND BITTER. PLATO- At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
30 Oct 11
Young generations nowadays are very emotional and mistook attraction for love, they do not know what is true love. I guess parents has to play their role effectively when their children reach the teenage years. If I am a parent, I would not allow my children to watch the soap operas promoting young love, early marriages and teenage pregnancies. I would also engage their attention to sports or other worthy activities like arts, languages and other that sparks their interest. I believe if they are busy with some projects, they would not give attention to teenage relationships.
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• India
30 Oct 11
Not emotional they know only physical attraction why girls not understand boys only using her not if they love her truly then never tell lets go for traveling, movie etc. before marriage. You are right if they are busy then no think about love.
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
30 Oct 11
HI sis! Oh please sis. Now you are discouraging us to not fall in love because true love never exist??? But I believe in true love.. I know that human love will never last long except God's. That is the true love for me. So we can't have high expectation when we fall in love with someone as the love will not last long as there is possibilities we will change, or we die and other obstacles. I always bear in mind, from my observations, looking at those who fall in love, teach me to not to give my love hundred percents so whenever there are chance for a couple to not happily ever after, they will not come out with sad endings like you mentioned above. Just give more your love to God, spare some for yourself and family and only then give the left to the one you love. Only then when something bad happen you know that you love yourself more and you still got others so you will not do bad things to end the suffer.(^^)(^^)
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@globaldoc (858)
• Philippines
2 Nov 11
I am so sorry but I can not agree with you here in this aspect. Love can actually inspire, and make things better. When trouble arises from love problems, it only means one thing. It only means that one is incapable of responsibility, and irresponsibility is the one destroying the harmony of life. It just so happens that it was sparked from love. If it is not from love, the irresponsibility would also be sparked somewhere else. It is just the same.
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@ravisivan (14079)
• India
30 Oct 11
Good. You are of next generation. But you are supporting our ideas. great. But young boys and girls may not agree with you. have a good day.
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• India
30 Oct 11
New generation not support my view because they dont know now love means only attraction no good boy are in the World for true love. Why they ready to spoil their life parent should care of it.
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@fantabulus (4000)
• India
31 Oct 11
Hmmmm talkative women talking about love what is happening after marriage why you are telling this love can spoil life. Fanta is agree with you new generation love is not succeed. I always teach to my daughter child dont fall in love first make the career.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
31 Oct 11
I believe in true love, for mature adults. I guess it is hard for me to beliecve in it after what my ex husbdand did. But I have seenlots of adult couples who have true love. As for young teenagers, I think it does not exist. they are not mature enough or experienced enough to know true love. They would disagree though. MY neice is only 16 and she is in love with a 19 year old and has been for two years or more. He is not a good person, but she is sucked in by the love.
@Kalyni2011 (3496)
• India
16 Nov 11
Yes i agree with you Surekha beti, too much of any thing is bad, can spoil life, we need to avoid that always.. Thanks for sharing Have a nice day ahead.
@pahak627 (4558)
• Philippines
30 Oct 11
There are lots of failures however I guess there are more success in love. But not so much, may be just a ratio of 51-49 in favor of success.
• India
16 Nov 11
Most of the love which is seen in present is really fake. Boys cheats girls to enjoy their beauty and in case of boys, boys are cheated by girls for good life. As mentioned only ninenty percent are and the rest is fake.