Regret Doing Good

@SinRealm (558)
November 5, 2011 1:30pm CST
Been very very long time since I've been in MyLot. And now I'm back... So hello everyone here. :) Moving on to topic, last month, I've met up with an old friend of mine, we talked about our miserable past and how some people from our past made a mockery out of us. Thing is, those guys who gave me a hard time has pushed me to the point where I want to kill them all. And in fact, I did try to kill them all. But always, at some point where everything got planned, I manage to stop myself because killing is just wrong. Here are two of the many stories where I almost hurt someone, stopped and backfired at me. First was when some classmate of mine was extorting me for money, I kept refusing but he still kept asking for money. So I decided to kick him on the face. And just moments before my food landed on his face, I intentionally missed. Then he became cocky and kept bragging about how he dodged and put all the blame on me. Yeah, a kick in the head wouldn't really kill someone... But anyways... Another story, there was a gang that kept beating me up. There was one time that I've had enough. So, a friend of mine offered me poison. And plan was, when those gangsters force me to buy them food, I'd add the poison and end their lives. But, I didn't... So I just left the poison in my locker and let them bully me again. Now... That guy who provided me poison betrayed me and told those gangsters that I planned to poison them. So... Make a long story short, I was once again put to more suffering. To the point that I stopped attending school. Those aren't the only times I've spared people from their deaths. But those are just samples I can give. Thing is, there are times, when I see those people who made me suffer have more in life than me. They are more blessed and have gone far compared to me. And somehow their success was made because they make others suffer. And just remembering that makes me feel upset. Sometimes I wish I killed them already. Of course, I know I wouldn't because I don't do those. I don't know... I just find it unfair. Anyways, just sharing some deep thoughts that are running in my head. I'm no murderer so don't go accusing me or preaching to me.
3 responses
@ferbjohn69 (1127)
• Philippines
6 Nov 11
That's a very sad story.I feel very bad about you.If I were you I would have already killed them.:) It's too sad that they are now succesful,but you aren't.Maybe their bullying kept you from being confident so you aren't as succesful as them now. Why didn't you report them to the police?Here is my country bullying is a criminal case,and someone doing it will definitely go to jail. I hope you are better now.:)
@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
6 Nov 11
hi. i felt sad reading. my son who is now 19 yrs old was a victim of bullies in elementary and high school. he tried to keep it a secret from us all those years and was able to tell me when he was in college already. he told me that during the elementary he did thought of literally killing these bullies. imagine a child thinking of something this grave because of these bullies. in high school, he did fight back only once and made the bully stop. he was very glad after graduation. the college experience was a totally promising experience for him. he is soon to graduate. i guess what he did was focus on his own life. it is a debilitating experience to have these bullies around. but there is nothing worth doing but to just focus on one's own life. the energy one puts in having to brood and waste time over these useless beings will be wasted. so, i guess, that is just what my son learned, not to brood these evil creatures. the material things in life seem only appealing when we do not have them but once we have them, we will realize it does not really matter that much actually. what we need in life are only the basic things and the excess have to go to those who need them the most. have a good day!
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
5 Nov 11
I can only agree. If you do good to others nobody will reward you for that. They will find you an idiot, will go on making a fool out of you, abusing you, stabbing you in the back. These are mine experiences for years, I noticed the same with my kids. All this will only stop if you say: HO and NO. There is no need to be friendly, attentive, helpful to these kind of people. So from now on is my advice: treat others exactly the same way as they treat you. If they slap you on the cheek you don't turn the other one but you slap them back twice! This is the only way to show them you won't accept their behaviour. See it as a way to educate those abusers and molesters! If you don't do it they will never learn it and not only go on doing it to you but also to many others. It takes a lot of courage to kick back and not to pay or crawl for them. You have my blessings!