1 book a month, at least

@cgirl123 (264)
November 20, 2011 8:07pm CST
Hi guys..! :) Early in this year, i decided to read at least one new book in a month, not fiction, but some kind of book which will improve my knowledge in many area, financial, psychology, health, just name it. But, in the middle, i found it become harder for me to find some time to read a good book. My work making me busy everyday, and at the end of the day, i just too tired to gain anything from what i read, i felt so sleepy i can not concentrate anymore. I wake early and come home late, some times, there is a party after work i have to show up and dress up. Unfortunately, the end of this year is near and time is like running too fast for me. Recently, i just read short e-books from my netbook which i carry anywhere i go.. How about you friends, do you read books to improve yourself? Do you make a resolution and stick to it until now and, hopefully, tomorrow and so on? Have a great day! :)
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15 responses
@LadyDD (515)
• Romania
21 Nov 11
It is very useful to read two pages a day from any book you like. This helps to enrich your vocabulary and to express more easily in conversation or in writing. Good for you if you decided to read a book in a month. A great idea to use your netbook. I must confess I'm a little lazy in reading paper books. I read every day only on the internet and mainly in English but I have to read also in my native language. I promise! Thank you for reminding me of the good habit of reading!
@LadyDD (515)
• Romania
23 Nov 11
My native language is Romanian. I forgot to tell I also read in French. I need to do reading in these languages because of my profession as a translator. So I have the advantage of reading books in the original. Sometimes the original book does not compare with the translation of the book.
@cgirl123 (264)
• Indonesia
27 Nov 11
Wow! You're a translator! Thats great! :) Yes, i understand that, sometimes it is better to read the original book instead of the translated one :) So nice to know you :)
@cgirl123 (264)
• Indonesia
22 Nov 11
Ah, you're welcome LadyDD :) it is such a pleasure if i can bring something good for others :) I read online material too for my work, i usually open the newsnow.co.uk for it is such a great website to find whats going on all over the world, and the news is always update, at least every five minutes :) May i know where is your origin? whats your native language? Thank you and have a nice day, dear! :)
@Leon_92 (56)
• Italy
21 Nov 11
I can't read only a book a month... At least I read 3 of them (if they are interesting). I'm reading a book about Wartegg's test. I like this kind of book ^^
@soulist (2985)
• United States
28 Nov 11
I might have to check that book out what's it called and who is it by. I am always interested in psychology books and things like that. Right now I am looking for books on speech pathology partly because I want to be a speech therapist.
@cgirl123 (264)
• Indonesia
22 Nov 11
wow..thats good if you can read at least three books a month :) congratulation! But i never heard about this Wartegg's test. What is it all about actually? Forgive me for my less of knowledge about this topic :) I usually read books written by Robert T. Kiyosaki, Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor, Anthony Robbins, etc. I also read reader's digest and a lot of e-book about sales and marketing. Actually, i read a lot of topic according to what is interest me much at that time :D And i would like to know about this Wartegg's test if you dont mind to explain it to me :) That would be very nice. Thanks before :)
• Italy
23 Nov 11
is a book on psychology ... This test is simply to evaluate the patient on an emotional level of some general aspects of his life. I find it very interesting
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
21 Nov 11
Hi Cgirl, there are many books written for busy people. Certain books, such as those teaching you about performance appraisals, techniques of holding meetings, project management, are short and to the point. You can finish the book within a day, if you have an hour of quiet time for reading. Some books are very nice and make for light reading, such as those Chicken Soup for the Soup series. it is written by normal people for normal people. Not those full time writers and not professionals.
@cgirl123 (264)
• Indonesia
22 Nov 11
Hi scheng1! :) Yes, i read chicken soup for the soul series since i was in senior high school :) And i like it. Thats quite a good book. Full of inspiration and easy to read. And yes, i read that kind of books, about marketing, sales, how to managed myself, etc, in the form of e-book so i can read it in my netbook :) What i dont have time is the real book, if you know what i mean.. :) Nice to hear your respond here! :)
• Mexico
21 Nov 11
So reading doesn't fit in your lifestyle at all. Reading is not for all, just for an enclosed elite of people who have enough time as to read everyday with no worries of any kind (eg. financial). If you do not have such an amount of time to spend on reading, then spend it on surviving.
@cgirl123 (264)
• Indonesia
22 Nov 11
Hi pennywise25..! :) So sad to hear it from you.. I love reading, it is kind of a habit for me. From your respond here, i think you do not like reading? I am sorry if i am wrong.. To make it clear, i always try to find some time to read, and nowadays, the only ways i can fulfill it is by reading e-book. Thats a more practical way for me. But, i miss reading the real book, the visual one, which is usually much more thicker in pages :) Just saying.. have a bless day! :)
@boyuancy (1708)
• India
21 Nov 11
I love reading as it improves my vocabulary. I just like reading in general. But my family does not support reading. They believe academic books are the only ones t be read. So they won't finance it. I will buy and read with my own money.
@cgirl123 (264)
• Indonesia
22 Nov 11
hi boyuancy..! :) I am sorry to hear that your family do not support your reading hobby. but, if you have a will, you can always find a way, right :) If you not buy a book, then you can borrow it from you friends, your teacher, or from the library. Or you can go online and search the free e-book. Have a great day! :)
• Philippines
21 Nov 11
Hello cgirl! January for me is the best month to set a book challenge for myself though I have not really successfully completed one before. Just like you, I get lost in the middle of the year. Work, friends, and family take most of, if not all, of my time. I get to read snippets for just a couple of minutes and I also get tired and sleepy easily after work. That leaves no room for my reading habits unlike when I was still a student, I had a very light schedule so I could really read throughout the day and even night. I can even read up to 5 books in one month, if I remember it correctly. Next year, I plan to challenge myself one more time. I'd stick to a realistic goal this time. Maybe your one book a month is a good idea but to make it more challenging, I will make it two books a month. I like reading fiction and psychology books. Oh I love self help books as well :) If you are interested maybe we can make a book club or something :)
@cgirl123 (264)
• Indonesia
22 Nov 11
Hello girl_thinking..! :) It is nice to meet a girl with the same hobby :) Thats a good resolution you made. i agree with you, when i was just a student i have more time to read books. After university too, at my first job i still got time to read books, but now it so hard to find some time. and yes, my family has a lot of my time too, especially since my sister had delivered a new baby :D I interested with your thinking about making a book club or something, but i am afraid i do not have time to do so.. In fact, i rarely open mylot now, just yesterday, after weeks :D Still, love to hear it from you! :) Have a bless day!
• Philippines
22 Nov 11
hi cgirl! That is all right about the book club. I was just wondering, I think it will be too hard to keep up with one anyway as I am already working. For me, I buy more books than I read. I love books so much so even though I don't have time to read, I still do buy them. I just stack them in my bookshelf, hoping that someday I will be able to read all my collection
@soulist (2985)
• United States
28 Nov 11
What an awesome goal! I read all the time, but i don't know if I read one book a month. I go through times when all I want to do is read and other times when I don't wanna read. maybe I should make a goal to read more often.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
21 Nov 11
I try to. I mean, when i go home when i have planned to read a book, of course i do make sure that i am able to read at least a couple of pages, i do this when i go to sleep so that makes me stick to the plan still. :D hehe
@cgirl123 (264)
• Indonesia
22 Nov 11
hi chiyosan..! :)) Thats a nice try. It is better to read some pages than nothin at all :) But, for me, if i do so, i often get sleptover with the book open near me, the light still turn on, and wake up in the morning with a bit regret in my heart because i have successfully made some damage to the book when i sleep :D
• United Kingdom
27 Nov 11
That's a good idea if you can do it and commit yourself to it. Not a lot of people have the time to do that but I love reading myself and I just read one book after another and so on and so forth. I mainly read fiction as I love to escape into different worlds although I do read the occasional reference book from time to time as there is a lot of knowledge out there in the big wide world. I think that the regular reading of books is a great way to improve yourself and your mind. It's almost as if you are spending private time with the author and the author's thoughts and reflections. Anyway, happy reading to you. Andrew
@ljbinkop (744)
• United States
21 Nov 11
This is an excellent goal that you have set for yourself! I personally read about a book every month, and I listen to books in my car on the way to work. This way, I read about two books or more a month! I try to switch up my genres, as well. It is always nice to hear some Non-Fiction, mixed in with my favorite fantasies! Listening to something different really broadens your ideas about the world around you. Keep up your reading! May I suggest a Nook? I love mine!
@cgirl123 (264)
• Indonesia
22 Nov 11
Thank you..! :) ah, i did it too sometimes, hear a good audio book in my car.. but sometimes it could make me late, because i finally stop at the parking area, listening to the end of the audio book if it so interesting fo me to hear it the full part :D Pardon me, but i did not get it, what do you mean with Nook actually? Thank you for giving me a new thing to know.. :)
@sheetalnr (586)
• India
22 Nov 11
Reading..... I make it a point to read the Newspaper everyday. Apart from this i do have some pdfs and E-books that i read whenever i get the time for it. So there is no fixed routine for me and it is more of Adhoc actions.
@SQD444 (677)
• India
21 Nov 11
Hi there... its a good thought.. i think the kind og change in our thoughts and behaviour that reading can bring is unbelievable... but unfortunately i have not been reading for a long time...i think that is really the bigest source of information and knowledge.. and a book it always a great friends
@cgirl123 (264)
• Indonesia
22 Nov 11
Hi SQD444..! :) I really hope you will find some time to read a good book in the future.. And yes, i agree with you: Book is a great source of information and knowledge. It contains the thought of man who already experience it, so we can always learn something good from it. Have a good day! :)
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
21 Nov 11
Hi,reading is such a great thing to do in our life,and i also made such a decision every month.lol,i just want to find somewhere quiet that makes me feel comfortable from the busy life.It is a good habit for girl to read books so as to improve themselves and their knowledge.I would read as more as i have time.lol
@cgirl123 (264)
• Indonesia
22 Nov 11
hi jricky1 :) i knew what you mean, i feel the same way too, it is so hard to keep focus on what we read when we are in the crowd or the environment is not quite at all. :) Yes, i do read to improve my knowledge because i do believe that knowledge is such a great power when we can apply it in our life, not only knowing it. Thank you for sharing it here :) Have a nice day!
@emjay86 (640)
• Philippines
21 Nov 11
I try to read a really educational book. But all it does is speed up my sleepiness. So, I only read them before I sleep.
@cgirl123 (264)
• Indonesia
22 Nov 11
hahahaa... emjay86, i think you should find one book which really make you interest with the contain, so you will not get sleepy while reading it :) If the book made you feel so, then the book is boring, not good enough to gain your attention and excitement :) good luck finding the right book! :D
• Ireland
22 Nov 11
There may be some good suggestions for books which are easily read and snippets from them on facebook page - Readers of Books - if anyone is interested. I love to read too, I have more time than I used to, and I have also found that the right book seems to come to me at the right time for what is going on in my life, since I have started to read non fiction books. It is brilliant.