Sleeping 14 hours a day.

November 23, 2011 2:49am CST
I just want to know what happens to someone who sleeps 14hours/day? what are the side effects? seriously guys, this is a serious issue..
10 responses
• Philippines
3 Dec 11
When I learned that it is your dog is the one who get to sleep that much, I felt relieved. Actually, it is quite normal for dogs to sleep more or less 13 hours a day. I often call my dog lazy because whenever I look at him, he seems to be in 7th heaven snuggled up in a corner. If it were people you are talking about, then that is different thing. If it is habitual for a person to sleep that long, then he has higher chances of getting alzheimer's disease in old age. One also gets higher risk of getting diabetes and becoming obese.
@jgirap (210)
• India
1 Dec 11
i sleep that much only when i have an holiday or ,weekend.just sleeping that much cause a temporly lazy feeling when we start to work.and all day we feel lazy.stopping this is only solution
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
27 Nov 11
Depends on how old you are - lol. Teenagers seem to need the most sleep. It is a time for their bodies to catch up and grow with them. If you are sick you will need more sleep too. Just depends.
@grangeke (112)
• Belgium
24 Nov 11
I have slept for about 18 hours a couple times. The only side effects you get is that you still feel tired, get tired more quickly, feel lazy and slow response to everything. I sleep about 7-8 hours now and hate it that i can't sleep for 12 hours. But nonetheless it does me good, waking up and going to bed on time.
@neelia_lyn (2003)
• Philippines
29 Nov 11
If I slept that long, I mean 14 hours, I wake up with a terrible headache. Even if I did not sleep during the previous night, then longest for me is 9-10 hours. I'm used to sleeping 7 hours a night, more would give me headache, and I wonder why is that - sleeping much can give me headaches in the morning. Good day!
@ygna21 (294)
• Bulgaria
23 Nov 11
I don't think something serious can happen to you if you sleep 14 hours. But the cause for sleeping 14 hours might be something serious so maybe you should talk to a doctor. It can also make you slow and unmotivated because you will always be sleepy :P But I love sleeping too so oh well... Have fun! :)
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
23 Nov 11
Nothing much will happen though you may be more generally lethargic and lacking motivation during the day. This may be a cause rather than an effect, however. Not everyone is the same but most people really only require between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night. You should rather be asking WHY you seem to need 14 hours of sleep. - Are you generally bored, depressed and lacking motivation? If so, try to find activities which exercise your mind and body properly and, if you can't seem to find the energy to do anything, see a doctor. - Is there anything physically wrong? Get a health check and discuss your sleeping pattern and lifestyle with your doctor. There are some long-term conditions whose side effects are sleepiness and general lethargy. Getting treatment for them can markedly improve your lifestyle. - Are you REALLY sleeping 14 hours or do you, in fact, sleep restlessly, have disturbed nights or take a long time getting to sleep?
@bhonti (1246)
• Philippines
23 Nov 11
I'm not sure with the other side effects. But when I oversleep, meaning I have slept for 9 hours or more, I feel sleepy for the rest of the day, I most likely lose my energy and I get a terrible headache.
@Mashnn (4501)
23 Nov 11
Do you mean continuous sleep for 14 hours or sleeping in between work to a total of 14 hours? I think they would be nothing wrong with sleeping for 14 hours apart from the brain don't get enough time to exercise. The other thing that can lead to this problem would be medical condition like hypothyroidism or psychiatric disorders affecting the sleep pattern, environmental factors can also contribute. It could be better to check with a doctor to be sure of what is happening.
• Philippines
23 Nov 11
Is there anything you might want to share with your experience? Because, I experienced before of having too much sleep for 13 hours straight and it is really really bad.