counting your blessings?

December 8, 2011 8:15pm CST
how do you count your blessing? some people count only the positive as blessings, but as we all know "all things work together for good" and the word 'all things' there is good and bad that happened to us. we should consider the bad things happened to us as a blessings too. for God knows everything in us, He allow this happens to us too. maybe that times God wants us to remember Him because sometimes we forgot that we had Him in our life and He don't want us to forget Him. we are so blessed everyday in our life, imagine the air we breathe, the beautiful sun in the morning and the skies and the moon and the stars in the evening, God made them for us and He allow us to see that in our life. and for me that is one of the blessings he gave to me. and i consider the problems i encounter in my life as a blessings too because of that problem i learned and grow not just mentally but spiritually. and i thanked God because He is always here to guide me with His Holy Spirit. don't get mad if problems come just count this a blessing because some ways God allow that to happen to us to learn. always remember God never leaves nor forsake you. how about you?how did you count your blessing?
2 responses
• Philippines
9 Dec 11
Everyday of our life and the lives of our loved ones is a blessing. Even though some days don't turn out the way we want, I believe that everything happens for a reason. We might not get some things that we may want now, then after some time realizes that not getting it saves us from a much worse end or paved a way for something much greater. It's just a matter of looking at things positively that we learn to appreciate and deal with all the things (good and bad) that happens to us. So, treat each day as a blessing that somehow with a new day we can continue doing things that we love, be with the people we love, correct our mistakes and enjoy life.
• Philippines
9 Dec 11
God knows all the circumstances ,we are t give thanks,and be joyful of everything good GOD gives or allow to happens.. God is so much in riches of blessings,and we are too count it all as good ,and enjoy and give thanks to God..