In what areas do you feel like you need to do things to make others proud?

United States
December 9, 2011 8:05am CST
I for the past few months have been feeling like I need to do more things to make my husband proud. I'm explain a little bit. When we first were married we did a lot of volunteer work. We worked part time to support ourselves and devoted time to helping others. Now though the pull of working and earning more has caught his attention and is something he wants to focus on. His younger brother has a girlfriend who is a senior in high school. She is very sweet. And she's doing all these great and wonderful things like volunteering to be a firefighter, going to college etc. The way my husband talks about her makes me feel like he wants me to do other things. Like he wants me to go to college, get a good dress suit career. To be honest though I'm happy with what I'm doing now. I mean there are things and goals that I'm reaching out for. But I don't want to go into a whole lot of debit for a career I might not like or later hate. And I don't want to get out up in wanting always make more money. I want a comfortable life but I don't want to develop a instinct for always wanting more. Have you ever felt this way?
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6 responses
• Philippines
10 Dec 11
Good day, Dominique. In my opinion, you should focus on the your own goals and the things that will make you proud of yourself. You can be proud of yourself when you are happy, contented, fulfilled and comfortable with what you are doing. Although, it is always good to be thoughtful, caring and concerned about others, remember that charity begins at home. You should, therefore, think of your own welfare, before you can be of service to others.
• United States
10 Dec 11
Thanks that really does make me feel good. I just hate the fact that I feel bad because I'm not going to like a university to get some type of degree. It seems like so many people are doing things like that. It's affecting the way others view people who aren't going to school but who are trying to just have a successful life supporting their family. I hope that with time I will be able to just ignore comments of others that would make me feel bad. I do need to do things that I want to do and not be overly concerned about what others are thinking.
@squallming (1775)
• Malaysia
9 Dec 11
Of course I felt the same. and Dominique, making others proud doesn't necessarily do something that no one can do and being a good dress suit career. Those kind of career will only keep you busy for years and waste your life without even having a good reason. Making people proud can be as easy as showing respect and care to everyone, saving people from difficulties etc. Those are the areas that I can make people proud. =D
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• United States
10 Dec 11
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with me. I do agree with you wholeheartedly that showing respect and helping others is a great way to make others proud. Those are the types of things that I like to do. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings with me.
@GemmaR (8517)
10 Dec 11
I am 21 years old at the moment and still living at home with my parents. Because so many of my friends are starting to move out of their parents houses, I feel as though this is something that I now need to do in order to make people proud and to prove to them that I am serious about my future and that I am able to succeed. My parents do expect a lot of me, but I think that it is fair enough for them to do so because I am fairly clever and know that I do have the ability to succeed as long as I put in the effort.
• United States
10 Dec 11
Yeah it is good when our parents expect a reasonable degree of things from us. It encourages and motivates us to do the best that we can. And when we do good they are proud of us and all of our hard work. Keep up the good work and make yourself proud as well.
• Indonesia
10 Dec 11
I didn't think that he meant to make you feeling like sided track. People who have a wanting to do more is okay as long as we can enjoy doing them, but we have boundary everyone has to understand it. I thought every body want to be success in every areas in their. We have to remember one thing for sure. The success is not how big the result was but how we endure the process. If you think that you can do more to help making the situation better, I was sure that we didn't have to be told or summoned by others, because we really knew what best for us and for others. Okay.
• United States
10 Dec 11
I agree that when we do things we want to find enjoyment in doing it. That is very important. It's hard to do better at something that we don't enjoy. It involves working on our attitude and the way we view things. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me.
@Lhenni (1242)
• Philippines
9 Dec 11
..."The way my husband talks about her makes me feel like he wants me to do other things"... Well, I suggest you talk to your husband seriously about it. Maybe, you're wrong in your understanding. Your husband can't make you do things you don't want. Tell him your insight and for sure he'll understand. Compromise! A good night to you Dominique!
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• United States
9 Dec 11
I'm kind of nervous to talk with him about. :)lol. But I will try and muster up the courage to do it. I know that he wouldn't make me do something I wouldn't want to. I just feel that he wouldn't be proud of me if I didn't. Does that make sense? I mean he talks very highly of his brothers girlfriend and I can hear in his tone, like he's proud of her. I mean which there is nothing wrong with that. But with the things that I've done he's never told me he's proud of me. Thanks so much for sharing.
• United States
10 Dec 11
There's nothing wrong with being content with what you have. Like you I would not want to have a whole lot of money. I have some relatives that are well off & I've seen first hand just how money changes people. If you want to change your life or do more with your life that's fine, just makes sure it's for the right reason. Do it for yourself & not just to make others happy.
• United States
10 Dec 11
Thanks, I too think that being content is a good thing. If I want to make different life goals then it should be because I want to and not because of others. I guess others just can't understand how I can be content with only having little. I just feel that I don't want to spend my whole life focusing on money. I want my life to be focused on spending time with family and friends, working to support my family, and enjoying life. Life is short as it is and I don't want to waste my time on things that could cause me to be unhappy in the end, or take away my time from what's truly important to me.