Anniversary without your partner?

@lady1993 (27225)
December 12, 2011 5:36am CST
My parents just had their 25th wedding anniversary a few days ago and my dad was away since he has family stuff to deal with. But still he made up for it by calling my mm non stop the whole day and it seemed like he was just with us that day. We had carbonara(white spaghetti?), cake and some ice cream... But still, isn't it quite sad celebrating and anniversary without your loved one?
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17 responses
@taura2p (349)
• Romania
15 Dec 11
I think that they should celebrate their anniversary on another date, when they could be together. I don't think that the very day they met or got married is so important. It is important to celebrate it, of course, but not necessarily on the same date. Just to be together, that is the most important.
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
14 Dec 11
Yeah, physical presence of both parties is really important for a very special events like anniversaries in which most couple celebrate. But as you have said, your dad had a commitment that needs more attention, maybe he can't say no. It's really hard to decide when things like this happens, but at least your father did call your mother on their special day. I know too that he will make up for it even more next time.
@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
13 Dec 11
hi lady, my! i could relate to that. it is really sad because even if you have talked and said about love and reassurance and stuff, there is always that longing for the physical presence of the person. have a nice day. ann
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
13 Dec 11
It is sad but I am sure your mom feel so grateful that even if her husband is not there to celebrate the day with her but he still remember and call her.. I am sure your mom will feel blessed and happy for it.(^^)
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
13 Dec 11
Well, presence of the one of the celebrator should really be felt during the occasion. But because of an inevitable circumstance he wasn't able to do so. But still, through t=modern means , he was able to make everybody feel his presence by his calls. Such is the power of our modern technology!
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
13 Dec 11
My mom and dad used to celebrate it that way too. My dad works so far from us. The sad fact is that most of the time they won't be calling each other. Since he was working in the middle of the ocea. But this year they were so happy because my dad is here during their anniversary last November.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
12 Dec 11
It is sad.. but it sounds like your dad did just the right thing to make their hearts grow fonder..
@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
12 Dec 11
I have to say that it is pretty sad to celebrate your anniversary without your loved one. It's just not the same. It's nice that your dad did try to make up for it, as best as he could. It's really sweet. But at the same time, I think that it's better to celebrate it together.
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
13 Dec 11
My husband and I celebrated our last anniversary in different states. He had a re-inactment camp thingy to go to, and I had a girls weekend to Vegas. We do not go overboard for our anniversary so it really was not that big of deal.
@cearn25 (3456)
• Philippines
13 Dec 11
It would be great to be able to celebrate the 25th wedding anniversary of your parents. Sad to note that your father won't able to make it seeing your mom in their special day. Don't worry! I hope that your mother understands the situation why your father can't. The important thing is the day was special.
@alifive (64)
• Philippines
12 Dec 11
Yes it is sad. But at least he remembered, and took time to greet her. It's the thought that counts. With all that food you mentioned, it made me hungry. Haha. Anyway, yes it is kinda sad. If it was me, I'd make it up to my wife when I get back home. And I'm sure that my wife would understand the situation.
@mel0482 (283)
• Philippines
12 Dec 11
Please convey my greeting to your parents if it's not yet too late :-). Really, on my part if my husband's not around during our Anniversary it would be such a very sad day for me, because it's still not the same whenever the two of you are together during that very special moment of the two of you.
@jsmalong (109)
12 Dec 11
Physical presence and being together, is important in celebrating this occasion. But in the absence of this, there are ways in which to communicate your feelings. My wife and I have not been able to celebrate our wedding anniversaries for 20 years together because I was working abroad during those times. Its a bit sad but we can always call to assure our love for each other.
13 Dec 11
yes, it is very sad if our love ones was away, but we have so many years ahead us to celebrate the occasions. and your father doesn't forget it anyway, if he does, that was really the saddest part. happy 25th anniversary to your parents!!!
• Philippines
12 Dec 11
hi lady, Now a days everything can be possible even our loved one is away cellphone or internet connection will do. It is good to hear it is their 25th Anniversary happy mylotting
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
12 Dec 11
It is sad to be without your favorite person on your birthday but it happens sometimes. just important that you called is not forgotten by most men. will celebrate with a little delay. important gesture so just today we're a little sad but then he comes chumstvate be incredibly happy. and happy birthday from me. nice day!
@tamirs (1807)
• Philippines
12 Dec 11
Hi lady,thats really sad.Whenever i hear stories like that,having to celebrate anniversary without one of the celebrants,i really feel so sad.Maybe because i know the feeling of celebrating anniversary like that. My husband and i have been celebrating our anniversary away from each other for four years now.Eventhough we can see each other via yahoo,presence is another story.But of course we need to understand because he needs to work for our future. :-) I know your dad will make it up to your mom the soonest he got home. :-)